Comments: Only thing that really went good was the swim for me today. It went just like I had planned out. Took it out hard for the first 200, which was a pretty rough start. I got hit in the head 3 times swam over a couple of times. Didn't mess me up but was rougher than normal. Maybe more jogging for position in the elite wave? After 200 I grabbed one the navy guys feet for a good chunk of the 700 straight section. It was a good swim. The only problem was that the guy behind me, whoever the hell he was, deserved to be killed. I had my feet slapped for 900yards of a 1056yard swim. I mean it was ankle high slapping every 4-5 strokes. I was very close to stopping in the water and putting an elbow on his/her head. What would you do differently?: Nothing, this went well. Transition 1
Comments: Crud.. I gave up 25s here. Passed up my bike by 20m. Then my wetsuit got caught on my pedals when I was grabbing it to take off and scattered all my stuff. So I shoved it all back in my general area and finally got going. Lost some needed time here. What would you do differently?: Not sure how I missed my bike. It's blue with a disc and 100 front. Bike
Comments: So it's a straight and flat course. The wind, though not bad, didn't really help as much as I hoped. We had a bit more headwind than tailwind.. still not bad. Either way my cycling legs weren't there. It was a struggle to hold a decent pace. Was able to leap frog(all legal!) with a couple navy guys till one dropped me and the other, then 2 miles later I dropped the other guy. Then I slowly reeled in another guy up ahead over the next.. 8 miles? ;p I just caught the guy before the turn around, then turned around and saw 4 people right behind me. I was like.. uh.. I hope they weren't drafting! It was about half a mile later when Mr. William Ritter comes up and gives a cocky nod, as if saying.. here I am what are you going to do about it? What am I going to do? Well first I'm going to think, you're not supposed to catch me till half way through the run.. What the hell is going on! The reality of the situation was that I'm already working too hard and can't do much! So I let him go a little bit. Once he approached 20-30s lead I couldn't take it anymore and lifted my pace more. So for the next 5-8 miles or so I kept him and his friend who was enjoying drafting off him very much at about 20-25s. Then Will pulled over with a flat. Too bad, with my bike leg he would of beat me handily and was on to a great race him self. He ended up finishing but the flat tagged on 10-12min onto his race, roughly. After that I rode the last 5-6 miles in and got off the bike a bit ticked off, and worried about the effort I put on the bike. What would you do differently?: Given how it was going, I didn't do anything wrong. I just wasn't going. Though I think I may of been riding at a fairly low PSI on my rear tire, since when I got into Transition at about noon it was down to 10psi and then at 3 when we loaded the bikes up it was completely flat. Normally the tire stays above 100psi for a couple days. Transition 2
Comments: Bit slow, no where near as bad as t1. another 5-10s could of been saved though. What would you do differently?: be quicker Run
Comments: I was worried my effort on the bike was too much and would effect my run a bit. It was, and it did. First mile was good, with a 5:52 mile. At around 1.5 miles my quads started to get tight, ready to cramp. So I had to back off and hit mile 2 in 12:11. Basically the next 4 miles went like that. I would get the cramps under control hit a good mile then have to take a slow mile. Finally caught someone who was infront of me with a mile to go to move up to 11th. the last half mile into the finish was lined with people and they all had cowbells and were cheering. It was awesome and it was always my fastest part of the run on both loops! Apparently when I finished I gave a shake of the head, because my Mom and Sister had watched me finished from the live feed on the internet and sent me text saying not to be too dissapointed! Not a good race, not a bad race either. Just wonder if my bad bike as due to a leaking tire, or if it was just the legs. I'm leaning towards the legs. What would you do differently?: Run harder. Was alone for pretty much all of the run. The guy infront of me was a 1 minute ahead most of the run but really died at mile5 and came back to me real quickly. Post race
Warm down: 10 minute Jog with Mr. Ritter. Felt much better after that. What limited your ability to perform faster: Not sure why my bike legs weren't there today. Either they just didn't show up or I was losing air in my bike tire and didn't know it. That's the only thing that really went wrong in the race. I had to go too hard to hold a slow pace, which made my run a bit slow because I worked too much on the bike. Event comments: Races don't get much better than this. This is the most competitive, best put on race in our Area so it's a no brainer to do. Last updated: 2009-02-23 12:00 AM
United States
74F / 23C
Overall Rank = 11/785
Age Group = Elites
Age Group Rank = 11/18
Woke up at 3:50 am, 10 minutes before my alarm. Got some food in me, got ready, checked out the weather and some other things. Then headed out to Jim and Mels place to hitch a ride.
10min jog in the parking lot.