![]() Swim
Comments: THIS WAS LONG. I figure it was at LEAST 600 yards. The FASTEST spilt was 7:10. No WAY was it 440. I did well to the first turn where my foot got tangled in the rope holding the buoy...geez o pete. The buoys must have been moving because there was a lifeguard in the water trying to hold it in place. No waves but the current was pretty strong. I was all over the place. Worst navigation ever. Almost swam into a kayak almost swam into the Jetty I thought it would never end, What would you do differently?: Can't do much about an inaccurate course. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: SHORT way into transition. I do the shoes on the bike thing so just a matter of helmet and glasses on and off I go. It was actually a little longer than 53 seconds because of the timing mat placement and my swim was acutlly a bit shorter but whatever. 2/10 in age group. What would you do differently?: Run a little more acorss the beach so my swim/run time would be better. I think one girl in my AG passed me running on the sand but I guess I was quicker in transition. ![]() Bike
Comments: HOLY HEADWIND BATMAN....At least it was on the OUT portion. My freaking bike computer was not working AGAIN. AARGGHH. I'm so annoyed with that thing. It makes it REALLY hard for me. Pushed as hard as I could. All I could do was make a guestimate based on elapsed time. I used my small aerobottle. I have a bath scrunchie in it as a certain exboyfriend took my proper netting that came with it. Scrunchie has a BAD BAD TASTE so I ended up practically not drinking at all in the bike. (threw the scrunchie out after the race) Hit my watch after the turn around 7.5 miles in 24:45 = 18.18 MPH. Pretty piss poor. AAHH tailwind.....I start picking people off. Next 2.5 miles in 7:03 = 21.28 MPH THATS more like it. One guy passed me and said "That's what you get for passing me on the swim" I pased him back a few minutes later for good and said "No worries you will kick my ass on the run" Last 5 miles 13:48 = 21.74 MPH...I'll take that reverse split!! Was a little congested coming into transition. I took my feet out ofmy shoes at just the right time. Had no problems What would you do differently?: Have a functioning bike computer. Replace netting for seldom used small aero bottle. It seemed really stupid to use my podium quset tho as no way would I need 50oz. Its within a minute of my best time on that course and with in a minute of what Tom did even with the wind so its OK. I'm not sure I could have gone harder if I had known how slow I was going on the way out anyway. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Rack bike, sit down put socks and shoes on. Grabbed my hat, race belt and water bottle. It takes a few extra second to wipe my feet off but I need the socks. What would you do differently?: nada ![]() Run
Comments: PPPFFFHHHHT Pretty bad. If only I could run. SIGH I had no mental game at all. I knew there were a lot of people in my age group so placing was pretty much out of the question. I was already thinking about the 20 miles I had to bike after the race. I had a horrible side stitch which really slowed me down. My legs had no get up and go. I walked a lot. Threw my water bottle off at the 2 mile mark. There was this big fat 51 year old and I was determined to NOT let her beat me...she didn't :) What would you do differently?: Would love to know what I could do to get my running better. ![]() Post race
Warm down: grabbed some water and COOKIES. Found Tom and CHris. I just cleaned up and then took my bike to the car to see if I could get my bike computer working which I did manage. I didnt linger. Went to the Suncoast trail to ride another 20 miles. OOPPSSS I guess they give hardware 5 deep now so I guess I got hardware. I have mixed emotions about it. I kinda of want it cause well it is hardware but it wasn't a hardware worthy performance. I hope they mail it to me. What limited your ability to perform faster: I suck at running, swim long, headwind on the bike, bad mental game Event comments: Its a good race I highly reccomend esp for newbies. I was slow that day but better to be slow in a sprint and fast for IMFL. May has been a tough month. My time from last year would have netted me 2nd place (I got 7th last year) You never know who is going to show up on race day tho. Last updated: 2009-02-24 12:00 AM
United States
Crystal River Triathlon Series
86F / 30C
Overall Rank = 168/315
Age Group = F40-44
Age Group Rank = 5/10
OK these are the OFFICAL race times. Alas my little race is ALL GROWN up and has TIMING chips now. Times in my blog are off my watch. Got up at the butt crack of dawn (4am) and drove the 100 miles north to CR. I had a corn muffin I had made in the car and the requiste pre-race diet coke MMMMMM.
Got to the race and got my stuff. I had a primo parking place so I pretty much got everything ready in the car, set up my spot and then I saw Tom. Went and sat I the car and ate my PBJ sandwich. Spotted Chris (Tom's new wife) and she came and sat with me. We just hung out til it got closer to race time.
I swam a little. It was low tide nd the water was icky and the bottom was mucky.