Comments: I knocked nearly 4 min. off my time compared to last year!! (Last year was 36:31.) I think I was doing the same intervals last year. I know I'm running faster and probably walking faster as well. A was actually jogging a bit to keep up with me when I was walking. :) I was able to maintain a 2 in/3 out breathing pattern throughout. I didn't cough or wheeze, or even snuffle too much, although I probably would have if I'd gone any faster on the run. Hip/glutes/hammy didn't cause any problems at all. Knee started talking a little, but not bad enough to slow me down. I looked back at previous race reports and this run was faster than my 1st all-run 5k in June of last year. Yippee!!!!
I felt really sorry for the poor cops who had to stand in the rain along the route. I made sure to thank all of them and even high-fived one. I could tell they really appreciated the thanks. There was a runner who dropped to a walk right close to the end; I could tell he was frustrated and really
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