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Race Reports for Tin Man Sprint Duathlon 2008

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Race rating (5)
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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I love the UltraFit events. I am really not sure why I see so many good comments here and there about HFP in comparision to UltraFit. Maybe UltraFit has improved. The UltraFit races are/have: on time, organized, provide nice awards (sometimes announce the winners), good safe courses, good announcer... UltraFit also uses a USAT official. He pratrols the course and goes over the rules before the race. This is so beneficial to safety as well as good times. Only ONE rider in this event was blocking in the middle of the road (of the 25 riders I passed). There were at least 8 dudes doing the same thing in the HFP race. HFP chooses to pray before the race, I wish they spent that time acting like they took my money to give me a nice safe race, then go over the rules for all the slow beginners. This statement is not about prayer, theology, religion, or religious freedom. Its about (as my grade school teachers would say) using one's time wisely. I think if Jesus himself was a race organizer,
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