Comments: This is a pretty good race and a very nice venue. It is just in it's second year and with a racer limit of 200, has a nice hometown feel. Everything was pretty well done, but I did have some issues with directions. They either need to mark the course better or make sure that the volunteers communicate with the racers better.
The post race was very good with great food, but the awards ceremony was jacked. The forgot to give out overall awards until a number of us reminded them.
It was cool to race with my friend Drew. He completed his 3rd tri (all sprints), and is doing both Rattlesnake races (sprint/OLY) on Sat and Sun this week.
Oh, and it was nice to finish 2nd. I had the fastest bike/run combo again, but the 3 minutes that I lost on the swim was too much time for me to bridge. Familiar story!
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