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Race Reports for Midnattsloppet 2008

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Race rating (4)
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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Lots of fun! 659cal 1 06.21 983m 2 12.25 1000m 6.03 3 23.59 2.05k 11.33.87 4.30.16 1.09k 6.17 5 36.35 1.00k 6.18.84 6 42.41 1.02k 6.03 7 48.36 1.00k 5.54 8 1.00.27 2.00k 11.50 MIDNATTSLOPPET. 10K run Sodermalm Sweden Can;t work out how to fill out a race report. Such fun again this year, a real party atmosphere. Rupert nd Bronwen came to support me, and we gave John and his friend a lift to the tunnelbana and travelled in together. Thousands and thousands of runners. Lots of music, live bands and supporters all the way around the course. Better time this year, by 2 minutes! but felt good, tried to relax, even the hills didn't seem so bad. Love the dark hill by the church, lit with welcome lights, so atmospheric. spent a lot of time watching the ground for sleeping policemen, holes, and also other runners with the habit of kicking up their heels or stopping just in front of you. It was a blast!
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