Comments: My first Half marathon was last November and while I was training for that, I was not training for a triathlon so I knew that I only had to focus on my run. This time around, I am training for a sprint race next month so I didnt feel that I got in as much run training as I would have liked. I was sick for a week, injured for a while and then I moved and all of that took time away from training. Nevertheless, I have lost 25lbs since my last race in November so I was hoping that would help me set a PR and it did. I also never felt like I hit "The Wall" during this race because I was able to run the whole race without having to stop numerous times due to being fatigued, like last time. I would like to thank the RD and town of Wilmington for an amazing race experience. This was one of the most organzied races I have ever attended, everything was on time and the SWAG was great! I had no probelms parking, PPU was quick and painless, for the money you got a nice pint glass, hat, tech shirt, medal,
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