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Race Reports for The Great Race of Agoura 2006

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Race rating (3)
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  • Organised?No
  • Events on time?No

  • Lots of volunteers to help?No
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Timing was a mess...there was the false start and apparently when the first runner came in to the finish the clock read 9 min then jumped to 18 min...my time at the finish was 39min which I knew was wrong and ended up dropping to 32:56 when the final times were posted. Lack of volunteers really hurt the half marathon...a fellow who was in the lead missed the final turn to the school. He kept running straight and ended up losing like 2 min. There was only a sign and no volunteers directing the way. The post race was awesome as there was TONS of every type of food imaginable...all for free for anyone!!!! Yoo bad I had to go to school and could not stay the whole time...
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