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Race Reports for Jorgensen Family YMCA Super Sprint Triathlon 2014

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Race rating (3)
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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?No

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: This was the first year this race has taken place. I tried to attend a first timers meeting that was scheduled for the night before the race, and was told by the volunteer after my ride dropped me off that it had been cancelled. An email would have been appreciated, even if it was last minute. When we arrived in the morning to get our chips, many were assigned to the wrong names. This was rectified by the RD, but we stood around for 15 minutes waiting for someone to find him. I never received my t-shirt, even though I registered very early. All other events were on time, and the course was well-marked and well-staffed. Many of us were nervous about how the TT swim start would work, but it went smoothly. The only water station was manned by one volunteer and his young child. It was fine for me, but I'm sure some people would have liked a full cup of water. I wish there had been a trash bin - I shoved my cup in my pocket. They ran out of medals after the race, which seemed odd as there were
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