Comments: Good smaller race. Super Sprint and Sprint races togehter. Neat concept to separate the mens and womesn races. Everything went well. weather was better than expected, being overcast, there was just no air movement on the greenline trails. Post-race spread was good. Well organized. I'll do it again.
Comments: Starting again after 3 years. Wife suggested the race about 2 months beforehand, so getting back up to speed was not an option. Trained to survive/finish.
The swim is what really killed me on this. I've never had OW panic attacks before, but I got in my own head, and that's all she wrote. I ended up swimming with my head out of the water the entire time. After exiting the water, I was beyond dizzy and was veering left (something new!). It took longer to get to T1 because I had to keep reorienting myself.
After jumping on the bike, I just couldn't relax. My heart rate stayed above 150 for most of the ride. I didn't start to calm down until mile 5 (of 8). The gentle rollers got me too, but my climbing sucks as there's no where truly local for me to train hills.
During the walk, my pulse was still unusually high (for me), and I started hearing my pulse in my ears. For me, this is a tell-tale that my BP is also spiking, so I backed way off and just went for the finish.
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