Comments: This was a very tough race for me. I really struggled on the swim, and it took so much willpower and determination to get through it that I wasn't really sure I could do the rest of the race. But I did. I don't know what the motivating factor was, but I'm really happy to have finished. Finishing (almost) last is certainly better than not finishing at all.
During the race, I thought a lot about Ironman. My confidence is shaken, and I'm wondering now how I'll ever be able to do it. I know it must take so much mind control in order to complete a race like that. If 1000m of swimming uses up all of my brain power, how will I ever cope with a race of that distance?
I am proud of myself for finishing the race. I hope that eventually it will be a source of motivation for me, when I can look back and think how hard it was and how I toughed it out. I have also realized just how important the mental aspect of training is, and I will make sure that it is not neglected as I continue to
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