Comments: This was my return to Triathlon racing after a long hiatus and I was really looking forward to this event. Although I placed in my division I left with very mixed emotions about it. With so many race choices these days I'm not sure if I will come back. The Florida Challenge is billed as a unique and challenging half ironman with great athlete amenities and a beautiful course. The course did not dissapoint but I got the distinct impression that the race organizers "Sommer Sports" is spread to thin. On saturday they ran a half marathon, 10k, and 5k at the half ironman site. They should have had an expo, athlete's dinner, race instructions and bike check in with overnight security (the main reason race organizations don't do this is to save money). This always inceases the quality and safety of an event and makes race day much less chaotic and more enjoyable. They had a sprint tri on the same morning of the H.I.(the main reason that race companies will do this is to make more money and it
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