2007 Duathlon Series #2

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This RACE to my races

  • Date: May 22, 2007
  • Address: WPAFB, Fairborn, Ohio Get directions
  • Country: United States
  • Race type: Duathlon (Standard)
  • Distances: Run (2.00 miles) Bike (10.00 miles) Run (2.00 miles)
  • Organization: Wright Triathlon Club
  • Website: http://www.wrighttriclub.org/duseries.asp
  • Contact email:
  • Description: Welcome to the 2007 Duathlon Series.

    April 24th - 43 participants
    May 22nd
    June 26th
    July 24th
    August 28th
    September 25th
    Important change for 2007 This event is open to all base connected people (Military, Military Dependant, Civil Service, Civil Service dependant, and Base contractors), and as such this is a base intramural event and all base participants can earn Commander's Trophy points for their units as well. If you are not connected to the base, you must be a member of the Triathlon club to participate. There will be someone at the race to sign you up as a member if needed. Thanks for your understanding.

    Okay, here are the details:
    Races will start at 6:30pm, Except Sept. which will start at 6pm due to daylight conditions
    Registration begins at 5:00pm and closes at 6:00pm

    There is NO preregistration other than being sure you are on the base access list. Registration is 1st come, 1st served, so if you really want to race arrive early, we expect many of these events will fill to athlete capacity.

    For information on location and base access
    Please note requests for base access HAVE to be made no less than 4 business days prior to the event, we are sorry for any confusion this has caused.

    This race is very laid back, no numbers, no chips, no draft marshals (We believe you are adult enough to race legally and safely) No transition times, in fact no rules, you even get to put your bike anywhere in the designated parking area you want.

    The race will start with a 2 mile run out and back followed by a 10 mile bike ride. Okay, I lied one rule! You MUST wear a helmet at all times while on the bike. Again no exceptions, this is a base requirement as well as an intelligent safety issue.

    When you finish your bike ride you get to run the 2 miles again. Then at the finish, we will have water, HEED© sports drink, CLIF© Bars, and more food for all participants. So first and last will get the same treatment.

    Now, how much do you think a race of this quality should cost? $100?, $50? , $25? Well you would be wrong again. We will put out a coffee can, and YOU decide how much you want to pay for the event, how is that for different?

    Have a family member that wants to watch? Are you a fast/slow or stagnant club member? We could really use volunteer help as well. You will earn our undying gratitude and a free cup of HEED© sports drink or water. Please all volunteers contact me before race day so I can figure out how many I have, make assignments, and to prevent 100 people all wanting to volunteer for one race and then none at the others. So Volunteers are allowed and encouraged to preregister, We will accept day of volunteers until all volunteer positions are filled.

    There are no individual race awards, this is a series, to be eligible for an award you must complete at least 4 of the 6 races, AND earn 20 Volunteer points. Volunteering on a day when you race is worth 10 points, and volunteering only is worth 20. We can always use help setting up or tearing down, and these allow you to race as well.

    Awards will be given by age to both men and women - Under 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49 and 50 and over in both Civilian and Military categories to everyone who completes the series requirements. There will also be an Overall Civilian and Military award as well for both Men and Women. Again, to get a series award you must complete at least 4 events, and earn 20 volunteer points.

    Results will be posted on this web site the next day.

    Contact Me if you have questions, want to volunteer, or need further info.

    To us everyone will be a winner, so come join us for some fun exercise and friendship
  • Members who are scheduled to race: