Fairmont Triathlon - Liz Gomez Memorial Sprint Course

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  • Date: June 09, 2012
  • Address: Gomsrud Park, Fairmont, Minnesota Get directions
  • Country: United States
  • Race type: Triathlon (Sprint)
  • Distances: Swim (437.45 yards) Bike (20.00 kms) Run (5.00 kms)
  • Organization: Fairmont Triathlon
  • Website: http://www.fairmonttriathlon.org/
  • Contact email:
  • Description: Swim competitions will be held on Budd or Hall Lakes. Average temperature in Budd Lake for June 9 is approximately 71 degrees. The Sprint (.25 mi) and Olympic (.93 mi or 1.5K) swim competitions will share a straight line course with buoys indicating the turn around points. The Mini Swim Event will be in Budd Lake along the shallow edge near the beach house.

    The bike course starts with a firm upward hill and some curves followed with a downgrade as you approach the first turn. You will find a slight hill at the end of the 2nd mile and a turn at the top of the next hill. From that point on the course is pretty flat, with some very small rolling hills. The turn-around for the Liz Gomez Memorial Sprint bike course is on an open stretch of road and is very apparent. The turn-around for the Olympic bike course is on County Road 8 next to Lake Okamanpeedan. The bike course will be marked with signs every mile and volunteers will be located along the route.

    The run course starts with a hill near the beginning, followed by a couple of turns and then continues straight on a slight upgrade. As runners approach a T intersection they will turn right and run straight along a slight decline to another T intersection. The next portion of the course includes well marked short distances through residential neighborhoods. Volunteers will guide runners through a turnaround to follow the same route back to the beginning marking the finish for the Sprint athletes. At this point Olympic competitors will turn around and repeat the whole loop one more time.
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