Quadrathlon: The New Frontier

author : MegL
comments : 40

Triathletes want more! Instead of a double or triple Ironman, how about a fourth sport?

By: Meg Lentz


Recently, while doing some training research, I learned that there are humans who partake in Ironman races that range in distances anywhere from double to fifteen or twenty times the distance of a standard Ironman. My admiration and awe goes out to those of you who participate in these events, but I am amazed that such races exist. The math alone is sport enough for me…fifteen-a-fying an Ironman is no small multiplication problem.

Clearly, there are triathletes who want more, but the mileage in some of these races is more than my car can handle. Wouldn’t it be easier just to add another sport into the mix? It seems that the Quadrathlon would be a good option for people who feel that an Ironman isn’t enough.

Traditionally, the Quadrathlon includes kayaking as its fourth sport. This displays not only the athlete’s ability for speed, strength and endurance, but balance as well. While kayaking is a great candidate for the number four slot, there may be other options that better showcase an athlete’s diversity.

Average # of Days Exercised per week: 5 
Average Glasses of Water Consumed Per Day: 5 
Average # of Chocolate Chips Consumed per week: 35
 But...I’m eating them in bananas and trail mix!
As a result of a recent poll, which identified the hidden talents of endurance athletes, I have compiled a list of potential sports for the 'new quadrathlon.' In a few moments, you will have the opportunity to vote your sport of choice into the Quadrathlon.

Quadrathlon Criteria:

  1. Sport #4 must be an activity with forward momentum. In other words, you can’t stop running and just start lifting weights.

  2. Sport #4 can be a variation on the sports already included in a triathlon.

  3. The four sports can be in any order… but the order has to make sense.

Contenders For the Quadrathlon:
(Note: distances are intended for a Sprint Quadrathlon)

Swim/Climb/Bike/Run: Traditional triathlon with a 50-foot rock-climb before the bike.

Swim/Bike/Run/Skip: Traditional triathlon with a 400-meter rope-skipping at the finish. Finish line clarification: Your foot must cross the line to stop the clock. Throwing the rope over the line to get an edge over an opponent will result in disqualification.

Swim/Bike/Surf/Run: Traditional triathlon with a 1-mile wind surfing segment before the run.

Swim/Bike/Run/Blade: Traditional triathlon with 10k in-line-skate at the end.

Swim/Break/Bike/Run: Traditional triathlon with a 400-meter break-dancing segment after the swim. While free-style is acceptable, most athletes opt for the moonwalk or the worm. iPods, MP3 players and boom boxes will be allowed for the break-dancing segment only. Free sweatbands to the first 100 registrants.

Run/Hop/Bike/Swim: Reverse triathlon with a half-mile sack race in the number two position. Standard burlap sacks will be provided in your race packet; however, Performance Cool Max Sacks are allowed. Coming soon… “A Sure-fire Way to Hop Safely on your Treadmill.

To vote, simply click the “blog it” box at the bottom of the page and indicate your race of choice. Write-ins are allowed, but you must abide by the above-stated criteria. The winning sport of choice will be open for registration as soon as someone else out finds sponsors to organize the event. I will be available to sign swim caps and demonstrate how to shave seconds off your moonwalk time. Check-in next month for the Quadrathlon Results. 


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date: April 11, 2007
