June 2007 Swim Training CHAT

author : Tri Swim Coach
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Discussions on pull, hand entry angle, drill for bending the elbow, pool vs lake swim training, the best fins and balance drills.

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[tbatt] I need work on my pull. My pull is way off because I did a video analysis a couple of weeks ago and saw that my arms were too straight and my head was too far down...not adhering to the headline close to water level.  And my push on my hands were not such that my hands stayed facing my feet.

[Tri Swim Coach] Yes, you need a little elbow bend.  Hmm, head too far down will create drag and slow you down.

[tbatt]  Not too sure of the delayed pull either...some say yes...some say it has a negative impact on my full pull / force of the stroke.

[Tri Swim Coach]  Was it helpful seeing yourself on video?

[tbatt]  Yes it was. My swim suit was definitely another area.. But I don't know if it's really a problem since I'm suppose to be within the 'pocket'.

[Tri Swim Coach] It's hard for me to critique without seeing it, but if you have the video and can email it to me or upload it somewhere I'll take a look.

[tbatt] That would be great! My hand entry was another thing I need to figure out.  What angle should I be entering my hand.  It's as if I have to learn how to swim all over again!

[Tri Swim Coach]  Just think slice and extend.  It definitely will feel that way. 

[tbatt]  Hand entry at a 45 degree angle? Thumb first?  Slightly open fingers? Closed fingers??

[Tri Swim Coach]  45 is close...it will be a little different for everyone, but your fingers should enter the water first.  Use closed fingers.

[tbatt]  I'm second guessing everything now just from that video.

[Tri Swim Coach]  I know what you mean!  Relax as much as you can and take one thing at a time.

[tbatt]  When I went swimming yesterday everyone was just coasting along so much faster than me and I was putting it all out.

[Tri Swim Coach]  You will get it, but it does take patience! Slow down!

[tbatt]  Slow down?

[Tri Swim Coach]  Yes, slow down to work on your stroke instead of trying to keep up with others around you.


[tbatt]  Are there any drills for bending the elbow?

[Tri Swim Coach] Yes. Fingertip Drag is great for that.

[tbatt] Bending in the water??

[Tri Swim Coach]  Swim freestyle while dragging your fingertips on the surface of the water with each stroke recovery.


[nathane]  Right now I am debating a decision that I can't seem to make, in my hometown I don't have a free place to swim at like I do when I am at college, so I can't decide whether to spend $84 for a 3 month YMCA membership or spend a little more and get a wetsuit and just swim in the lake in my backyard.  What should I do?

[Tri Swim Coach]  I would do the Y membership. Here's why: you can easily practice drills and your stroke in a pool. You can also do interval sets to build your endurance. you can still swim in the lake when it's warm enough, but your stroke will be much better practicing in a pool.

[nathane]  I just haven't swam for about a month now and I have a race on June 24th.  It's killing me.

[Tri Swim Coach]  Can everyone here agree to get in the water starting at least 3 months before their race?

[schamtastic]  I'm good on swimming laps... any helpful hints on practicing for having all those people in the water on race day?

[Tri Swim Coach]  Yes, get a bunch of your friends to get in your lane and cause a lot of commotion while you try to swim!  But really, in the race, don't try to achieve "pole position" on the first buoy.  You're WAY better off swimming further distance and getting cleaner water at the start then to battle the crowd.  Start more to the outside.

[schamtastic]  Good idea, I can handle that,

[1st Timer in NY]  What about goggle placement...Over the cap or Under the Cap?

[Tri Swim Coach]  1st timer- it's a personal preference. I like over the cap but it's safer to do under the cap.

[tbatt]  Kevin, what fins would you recommend?

[Tri Swim Coach]  Zoomers Z2's are the best. They are by far my favorites. Use for most of the drills, but not as much for swimming.

[88Wally]  Hi Coach...a question...I just started swimming in January and all of a sudden I can't get air. Today I grabbed a pull buoy and just tried to plow my head through he water while breathing and under no circumstances would I let my bottom goggle out out the water. Took on a lot of water but better. Any other suggestions

[Tri Swim Coach]  Go back and practice the basic balance drills for a couple of weeks- side kicking and the shark fin drill. They will help you with your balance and to be higher in the water, and you will be able to get more air when you breathe.

[88Wally]  I can side kick all day, I am on your site and am getting your newsletter. First tri in 2 weeks. I'm just going to relax no matter how long it takes.

[Tri Swim Coach]  Yes, if your tri is in 2 weeks, keep it relaxed....if you have to flip to your back and do a couple of back strokes, that's fine! Getting air is too important.


[tbatt]  Would you recommend at least a 1000 yd swim on your 'non swimming days' and leave my regular swim workouts for assigned days?

[Tri Swim Coach]  That's a great idea if you have the time- it allows you to keep the feel for the water.

[Tri Swim Coach]  Ok, I need to go in a few minutes here, but I have something for everyone to ponder. Swimming, although the most maligned, is the best discipline of the triathlon. With the run and bike, it is mostly about how much and how hard you train. There is little technique or "learning" how to do it. Swimming, on the other hand, provides triathletes with a unique challenge- how do you master the technique, and train enough to perform well in your race? It's a series of small victories when you practice.  Swimming involves a tremendous amount of focus, determination, and patience. You will grow so much as a person by getting the swim and putting everything together in a race.


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date: September 11, 2007

Tri Swim Coach

I'm at http://www.TriSwimCoach.com- a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on www.triswimcoach.com.

For a 20% DISCOUNT on Zoomers Z2 fins and Freestyler paddles, go to www.finisinc.com and use discount code ‘aggies20’ at checkout!

avatarTri Swim Coach

I'm at http://www.TriSwimCoach.com- a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on www.triswimcoach.com.

For a 20% DISCOUNT on Zoomers Z2 fins and Freestyler paddles, go to www.finisinc.com and use discount code ‘aggies20’ at checkout!

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