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VIDEO: Triathlon Bike or Road Bike?
Are you a beginner triathlete? This video will compare triathlon bikes and road bikes to help you figure out what is best for you as you begin your triathlon training.
By Fit Werx, Peabody MA
This video will explain the differences between a triathlon bike and a road bike. The main difference comes down to the geometry between the two bikes and how the rider is positioned.
As a beginner, the road bike offers more versatility and chances are, you can get your hands on one a lot cheaper (you either have one now or can find a use one). This is the best option for getting into the sport without spending a lot of money.
A triathlon bike will, in general, allow you to run better off the bike due to its steeper geometry while also giving you some time savings by way of better aerodynamic. A triathlon bike is a good choice if you are sure you will be in the sport for years to come.
A key point when purchasing a tri or road bike is to get fitted properly. This means getting a professional fit done by a reputable bike shop. The bike is the longest segment of a triathlon and comfort is very important along along with pedaling as efficient as you can resulting from a good bike fit.
Triathlon Bike vs Road Bike Video (1794 downloads)
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