FitWerxFit Werx offers the most scientific and complete bicycle fitting services in New England, the Northeast and beyond. Regardless of where you are from (Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Australia, Macau...) a Fit Werx' bike fit is guaranteed to be worth the trip.
VIDEO: Cleaning Your Bike Chain
Dirty bike chain? Have you ever thought about cleaning it? We cover the basics of how to clean your bike chain and the use of different cleaners, degreasers and lubricants.
By Fit Werx, Peabody MA
For those in the warmer climates, anytime is a good time to clean your bike chain. But for those of us in the colder regions of the world, Spring just may be around the corner and that means getting our bike in good working order before hitting the pavement.
This video will go through:
For the married guys, just remember not to do this on your living room floor unless you like sleeping with your dog.
Bike Chain Cleaning (1041 downloads)
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