Weight Training and Core Strength Information and Links

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Weight training and core strength information and links for the silver/gold plans.

The following links are mainly for using in conjunction with the Silver and Gold training plans, although if you are using BT's free or Bronze plans, or just looking for a few good routines, the below links can help get you started on a good program.


The program that I am using for the training plans this time around is adapted from The Training Bible and has been tweaked to include some exercises that I think are important. The program should be fairly balanced between core and strength training.


All weight and core strength programs are given in this format and will include the specific exercises:


Period: AA
Sets: 1-2
Reps: 20-30
Speed: Slow
Recovery: 1-1.5'
PLUS Core #1 - 2x

Weight Training


Weight Training Program Link  for additional information and pictures.


How much weight to use?
Depending on the training plan and the phase, you may be doing 3-6 reps or 40-60 reps or something in between.  The majority will see you doing 8-12 or 15-20 reps per set.


You must choose a weight that you can do relatively comfortably for most of the set, the last quarter of it getting somewhat difficult.  This is not a bodybuilding-type program.  The goal is to strengthen the joints, tendons and muscles - not to get overly sore by lifting a lot of weight to exhaustion.  You want to end the set several reps before exhaustion and choose weights appropriately to accomplish this.


'Sets' are the number of times you do the 'reps'


'Reps' are the number of efforts within a 'set'


'Speed' will change depending on the 'period'.  During the AA phase, it will be slow to focus on form.

'Recovery' times in training plans are the 'rest' times between sets.  Times are denoted in minutes.

'Period' All weight routines in the training plans are designated by a 'period'.  Below are the definitions per period.

AA = Anatomical Adaptation Strength Phase- This is the initial phase of strength training that usually occurs in the late fall or early winter during the Preparation period. It's purpose is to prepare the muscles and tendons for the greater loads of the maximum strength (MS) phase.

MS = Max Strength Phase- The purpose of this phase of strength training is to improve force generation and the ability to teach the central nervous system to easily recruit high numbers of muscle fibers.

PE = Power Endurance - The purpose of this strength phase is to develop the capacity to quickly recruit most of the fibers for a movement, and to sustain their use at a high power output.

ME = Muscular Endurance - The ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions for a long period of time while bearing a load.

SM = Strength Maintenance Phase - This weight lifting phase maintains the basic strength established in the previous phases of strength training.

Core Training


Core Strength Links:  Core#1  Core#2  Core #3  Core#4  Core#5  Core #6


All 6 Core programs can be used for a set interchangeably as new ones have been added after the first three.  One set is about 7-10 minutes – and I would say a couple of weeks of 1 set is ok, but at all levels the athlete should try to add 2-3 sets per week by the end of a 12 week period. I would say core 2x a week minimum, but in reality it should be done 4x per week. 
# of core sets: 1 set for the first 2 weeks, then 2 for the next 3-5, then 2-3 for weeks 6 through the end of program.


For example, as you progress to 2 core sets per session 4x per week, you can setup your core workouts like this:


Monday: Core1/2
Tuesday: Core 2/3
Thursday: Core 3 /4
Saturday: Core 4/5


*Core workout days are not set in stone, move them around as needed.


NOTE, all core exercises can be specifically logged in your training log through the 'core' muscle category.


How important is the core and strength sessions? What will I stand to gain/lose by doing/not doing them?
Core strength is the backbone to everything we do in triathlon and is an absolute must. Weight training is a great way to improve limiters and gain strength for the hills. If time is a limiter, then focus on the core work, and make weight training less of a priority.


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date: June 4, 2006