Choosing a Training Plan: Time, Balance and Flexibility

author : acbadger
comments : 1

With a hectic schedule and the desire to throw in other forms of exercise, I went from following one of the training programs to doing my own. Would it be better to follow a training plan?

Member Question

So, I'm doing my first short Tri in June. It's “1/2 mi swim, 6 mi bike, 2.5 mile jog." I'm in pretty good shape, I think the main thing I need to focus on is the swimming (stamina + technique) and being able to follow up one sport with another without getting too tired.

Question is, with a hectic schedule and desire in throw in other forms of exercise: yoga, dance, walking w/ schedule permitting, I went from following one of the training programs to doing my own. I think I'm doing a good balance on my own, and also thinking my race, though challenging, will not be way beyond my current abilities. Would it be better to follow a training plan? Any suggestions from the ones provided on this site.


Well, this is a first…and I’m happy to report, that it’s a nice change of pace for me. Most people who I speak to about starting a training program don’t have enough time in their schedules to do the training…in this case, you want to do the training and then some. Good for you. However, before I continue, be sure you are not OVERTRAINING. Even though you are doing different types of exercise, it is still possible to overdo it.

I completely encourage you to keep Yoga in the mix of exercises you want to continue while training for your triathlon. Stretching and relaxation is a component of exercise that is all too often overlooked. It is great that it is a staple in your regular routine. For that I say, march on my friend.

Dance, depending on what form of dance you are talking about and how often, is wonderful exercise as well…but if you are going to increase your biking, swimming and run/jogging for this triathlon, you may want to, not exclude, but cut back a little on the disco inferno. I personally love to cut the occasional rug once and a while, so I’m all for you keeping it in your schedule…just don’t over do.

Walking you could incorporate in the run/jog schedule of your triathlon training plan. Remember, we are trying to fine tune the three focus events of the triathlon…so that should be, aside from the stretching/yoga, our main focus.

That being said, I completely encourage you to use a training program for your first triathlon. They are written with a purpose and that is to give you safe and effective guidelines for triathlon training. They incorporate ways to help you transition from leg to leg (i.e. Swim to bike, bike to run) and increase your time/distance in appropriate increments so that you do not go overboard and burn out and/or get hurt. They are well thought out plans that will guarantee you to a strong finish if followed thoroughly.
The schedule I recommend off of is The Original 13-Week Sprint Training Program. I recommend this one to you because it looks as though, time wise, it would be best to fit your already active schedule.

Another sprint training program that I love and that is a bit more detailed than The Original 13-Week Sprint schedule is Michael Pates Total Sprint Program. He gives you yardages and mileage to cover as opposed to time to do your activity in. So, those are the two I would recommend to a busy person like you. Now, you’d better look over these programs and choose one soon…if your sprint is in June (not sure if it’s the first part or later part) but you only have between 10 and 13 weeks until your big day…so, time is limited to pick one. I’m sure you’ll make the best decision for you and your schedule and no matter which program you pick…you’ll find success in crossing your first Triathlon finish line! Good luck!!!


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date: April 2, 2006


Four Sprint Triathlons and 2 Olympic Distance Triathlons. Several marathons and Boston qualified. Because of my new found love of these sports, I got my Personal Training Certification and USAT Level I Coaching Certification so I could help others attain their goals!


Four Sprint Triathlons and 2 Olympic Distance Triathlons. Several marathons and Boston qualified. Because of my new found love of these sports, I got my Personal Training Certification and USAT Level I Coaching Certification so I could help others attain their goals!

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