AMSSM's articles on

author : AMSSM
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photoI have been having problems with sore ankles and feet after doing my swim workouts and this has carried over to my run as well. What can I do besides using ice on my ankles?
author : AMSSM
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photoHow best to hydrate during an endurance event like a triathlon is currently the topic of considerable discussion and research. Here is what some of the latest research shows.
author : AMSSM
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photoI sometimes have severe pains on the top of my left foot. It feels like a knife is stabbing my inner foot on the outer portion of my foot. These pains happen mainly at night but not while riding.
author : AMSSM
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photoI've rested them for 6 weeks, twice. I've had Active Release Therapy, massages, I'm doing Trigger Point, and stretching. Yet, I'm still having issues and can't get above 3 miles.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI'm experiencing tightness and pain in my calf muscles including my left achilles tendon. The tendons seem to really stiffen when sitting or sleeping. I'm not doing anything new.
author : AMSSM
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photoLearn about the symptoms, theory and treatment of Exercise Associated Muscle Cramping (EAMC).
author : AMSSM
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photoI was in a bicycle accident that left me with a separated shoulder. I went to an orthopedic who said that it had been too long to do surgery because the ligaments would not repair themselves.
author : AMSSM
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photoI seem to have developed a benign "mystery " edema on the medial aspects of my knees. But I have absolutely no discomfort whatsoever.
author : AMSSM
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photoAll of my road rash has healed, but my right shoulder is still in a lot of pain. I have started swimming, but only really, really light workouts. Do you have any recommendations on stretches?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoHow safe is it for children to participate in triathlons and other endurance events? Here are the opinions of several experts in the field.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoThe whole bottoms of my feet hurt these days. Been running for a number of years now and this is a first. Do you have any tips?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI know that annular tears mean there is a risk for a bigger disc blow-out. How do I continue to train and compete without putting myself at risk for worsening of my injury?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoWorkout associated fatigue is our gauge of a quality workout program. But, excessive or debilitating fatigue adversely affects workout quality, limiting performance gains.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoI started playing basketball three times a week in addition to running and biking. Now, whenever I run any distance, the next day, I can hardly sit in my chair at work.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoIn the fall I was running on some trails and rolled my ankle pretty bad. I took a few weeks off from running and let it heal. Every so often, my ankle feels swollen, or off.
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The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) was formed in 1991 to fill a void that has existed in sports medicine from its earliest beginnings. The founders most recognized and expert sports medicine specialists realized that while there are several physician organizations which support sports medicine, there has not been a forum specific for primary care non-surgical sports medicine physicians.