AMSSM's articles on

author : AMSSM
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photoIt's been seven months since my spare part list got longer with a new prolapsed mitral heart valve. How does this affect your times and training? I just want to compete for the fun and enjoyment.
author : AMSSM
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photoI have a sharp pain in my leg. I feel this throughout daily activities and while sitting at my desk as well. It has been ongoing, progressively worse, and much much more intense the past few weeks.
author : AMSSM
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photoI strained by lower back last week. I know that I need to rest in order for it to heal fully, but I am concerned that I am going to lose needed fitness for the race. Will this affect my performance?
author : AMSSM
comments : 3
photoI challenged myself to jog a mile...and I managed to conformably complete a two mile jog. However, the next day, I had a horrible tightness, pull type pain in my left hip area.
author : AMSSM
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photoI now find that after sitting for long periods of time during the day for two hours or so my knees are very stiff and weak when I then try to move them. Do I need to take better care of my knees?
author : AMSSM
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photoI think I might have a stress fracture. I'm not sure that I want to spend the money on an MRI if the result is simply to rest as the treatment sounds the same with more money in my pocket.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoSince this summer I have been battling shin pain in both legs. I limited the running because I assumed that was the cause.
author : AMSSM
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photoI started my journey this month to lose weight with a goal of 100 pounds and completing three sprint triathlons. My beginning weight was 321 and it is now down to 307.
author : AMSSM
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photoI have been training for two months now and I am having problems with my lower back. As I run, my lower back gets extremely the point that I can hardly run.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoDon't power through your off season! Rest and take it easy. Our doctors tell you why rest is important, how long to rest, and what training and exercises you should be doing.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoSix weeks ago I felt a tug on my achilles during a treadmill run. I had really been finding my stride the last few weeks ramping up mileage again for the running season.
author : AMSSM
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photoSo, since my beloved go-to shoe brand has changed its shoe, after reading the bruhaha about the minimalist shoe, I decided to give it a try. Now I have a foot issue with my arch area.
author : AMSSM
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photoMy elbow bursitis is still bothersome but I really want to get back on my Cervelo P2 and not have to use my road bike without aerobars. What can I do to alleviate this and prevent it from happening?
author : AMSSM
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photoFemoral neck stress fractures most commonly happen to runners and soccer players who overuse their hip or suddenly increase their training intensity. The injury occurs due to repetitive stress.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoI will describe the more common running foot injuries and discuss contributing risk factors as well as treatments and corrections for prevention.
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The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) was formed in 1991 to fill a void that has existed in sports medicine from its earliest beginnings. The founders most recognized and expert sports medicine specialists realized that while there are several physician organizations which support sports medicine, there has not been a forum specific for primary care non-surgical sports medicine physicians.