Beginner Triathlete - Ankle Injuries articles

author : AMSSM
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photoRest, though unwanted, may be only answer
author : AMSSM
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photoTraining again after an ankle break
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoMystery ankle pain afflicts triathlete upon return to running
author : AMSSM
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photoI have tarsal coalition and it is affecting both of my ankles. Ankle fusion surgery could take away some of the pain but what about my ability to walk, cycle or swim?
author : AMSSM
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photoPain on the inside of the ankle is a frustrating issue to deal with, here are many structures present on the inside of the ankle, which can also make the diagnosis difficult for health care providers.
author : AMSSM
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photo*The past few weeks I have had this dull, sometimes sharp pain around my ankle. It's on the front of my ankle (which is weird). I get the most pain when swimming.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoI did more therapy, more stretches, more exercises and stopped running for over six months. I am just coming back to triathlon after a year off due to this ankle injury.
author : AMSSM
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photoI have been having problems with sore ankles and feet after doing my swim workouts and this has carried over to my run as well. What can I do besides using ice on my ankles?
author : AMSSM
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photoIn the fall I was running on some trails and rolled my ankle pretty bad. I took a few weeks off from running and let it heal. Every so often, my ankle feels swollen, or off.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoI missed what would have been my second season of triathlons. I would love to get back to activity and training for triathlons but I don’t know how to get past the inflammation in my ankle.
author : AMSSM
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photoIt sounds like your ankle has seen plenty of mileage and, by the description of your surgeon’s plan, that you have damage to the articular cartilage that caps your talus bone.
author : AMSSM
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photoThe only time it hurt is when I stretched my left calf. I guess, "flexing" the ankle the way you do when stretching your calf is what was hurting it. The place it hurt is just fore of the ankle bone.
author : AMSSM
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photoIt is very common for athletes who have sustained previous ankle injuries would continue to struggle with ankle problems and disabilities.
author : AMSSM
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photoWhat follows is information that may prove helpful to any triathlete who sustains an ankle sprain.
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