Jen after her 5k PR
Trainer work.
My New ride (March 2009)
My Favorite Sign on the Bike PathI want a car like that!
Thanksgiving 5 miler
A cold day on the bike path
Winning an award at the New Years Day 10K
Bella Fleck and Frida Kahlo, Jen's best friends.
Winning My Age GroupMy First medal, winning my age group at the Sunfish Duathlon, March 2009.
My bike in the transition areaSunfish Du, March, 2009.
The start line at the Cresent City Classic is 5 blocks away!It took nearly 15 minutes to get to the start line of the race in NOLA starting in the Frach Quarter, sooo many people.
Me, afte rthe race,Here I have my beads some by passer was trowing into the running crowds. That was right near the folks passing out free beer and Jello shots. Don't see that in most races.
Jen with TrophyWon second place in my AG, 40 -44
Transition Area at Wollmarket IThe transition area got filled fast, bikes all over the place, even laying down on the lawn.
My Transition SpotI got a great spot along the fence, not crowded at all, easy access to exit.
Blujay65 (Jen) and kvesey (Karen) at the Renaissance Half Marathon ExpoIt was great to meet Karen. We had luch the day before and meet up after the race. She has so much experience to share. I love meeting BT folks!
Jen and Jackie on the Columbia trailGene, Jackie and I went for a great run on fresh powder on the Columbia Trail in NJ.
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