Aqua Sphere Kaiman review

  • Price Paid:$13.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 6 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"Overall pleased with the product and now look to buy a pair with a darker lense. "cxk9758


Put on head and adjust the straps and you are all set.


So far has lasted a few months therefore looking good


Adjustible to anyones head


Feels comfortable on the head and at times can not even tell I am wearing it. It does not require a lot of tension.


Straps on all googles adjust as do these very well.


I would say that the price of these googles are average as everyone elses


Look good


Keep the water out which is most important

Very comfortable and easy to adjust. At times the googles are so comfortable can not tell they are on. Are made also quite well.

Nothing yet but will update if required to.

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Buyers clubKaiman
  • 18 people use
  • 213 workouts logged
  • 411.45 miles / 218.47 hours logged