Specialized BG S-Works Road shoe review

  • Price Paid:$250.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 months
  • # of logged workouts: 0

"I am using these for triathlons so not having a finger loop makes it a little difficult. With it being lightweight though, it's manageable, but will require some practice. For me, this is minor though considering the amount of time I'll be on the road benefiting from it's performance. So far the biggest splurge I've made for the bike but was worth it.



The fitter installed the cleats but the 3-bolt cleat pattern fits Shimano SPD-SL, Look, Time and Speedplay.


Utilizes the Boa S1 Lace system to dial in the adjustments. Much better than playing around with velcro straps and ratchets to find that comfortable fit.


Carbon bottom that is very stiff. Heel threads are replacable.


Perfect for my feet. Again very stiff and they fit me like socks.


Very comfortable with Boa system equalizing the pressure around my feet. Didn't get any of the hot spots and felt more power was being transferred to the pedals.


Micro-adjustments with the dials makes it easy to find the perfect fit.


Not enough time on them yet to rate this. A lot of riders have been using them at the TdF so that should give you an idea.


I would have to wait for a durability test to rate this, but initially it seems a little pricey for shoes but so far the benefits seem to be worth it.


Black and white version are available and I went with the white version, but it's a little too glossy for my taste.


These shoes are paired with Speedplay pedals and my previous shoes were CAT-1 Gavia Carbon road shoes on LOOK Kéo style pedals. The performance difference is very noticeable and feel I have more power transfer than I did before.

- Stiff
- Lightweight
- Comfortable
- Performance
- Easy adjustments

None at the moment

Buyers clubBG S-Works Road shoe
  • 6 people use
  • 232 workouts logged
  • 10544.08 miles / 574.58 hours logged