Dog Kona review

  • Price Paid:$50.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 4 years 10 months
  • # of logged workouts: 0

"my bff"Osfan4life


comparatively, she was easy to train. i base this on stories and observation of others' dogs, not my exp with training other dogs.


she's a pretty easy going dog. she does shed a lot and requires more maintenance in that regard.


she's pretty awesome, as mutts usually go. no allergies or other health issues *knock on wood no whammies*


she's 45 lbs and that's a perfect size for me.


she's very comfy indeed. however, occasional bedtime snuggling = hair in the mouth so minus 1 for that.


she has always been my little road warrior and has traveled many a place just fine with me. however, she doesn't like to run as fast as others want to take her - so not exactly adjustable to other users.


whenever she has gotten sick she gets better real quick for me. gotta love that.


has she cost me money? of course. have i gotten a good ROI? the best.


just so darn cute.


the customer is always loved. :)


i'd probably give her a 3.5; minus 1 for hating other dogs, and .5 for jumping on people since that's not an all the time thing. other than that, she's a hit with the people.

happy, cute, fun, fluffy, a hit with the people

sheds a lot, cries every time i leave, no plans to be friends with other dogs any time soon

Buyers clubKona
  • 1 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 101.06 miles / 22.31 hours logged