Cervelo P3 review

  • Price Paid:$3,600.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 4 months
  • # of logged workouts: 0

"While I only had her for a few months, I loved this bike, and am very upset with that old lady in the Taurus who hit me and my P3, ending a beautiful relationship. Can't wait to start another once I get the insurance money."steel099


Jump on and ride :-)


Bike held together and went fast - can't ask for anything more.


LBS let me try a few bikes - I liked this one, they took some measurements to make sure it fit me, and it did.


I was set up pretty aggressively on her, spending a long time in aero position took some adaptation on my part.


She adjusted well enough to fit me, so I'll give it a 5.


Got a few surface defects in the frame from general use - nothing major, one did need some extra epoxy (bottom bracket when my chain slipped). I'm not going to give her any lower mark than a 4 for losing a fight with a Ford Taurus.


I could have gone with a less expensive bike (the P2) and been almost has happy - but when I rode the P3, I knew I had to spend the extra $


What's not to like about a black bike?


Pending on this - seeing how the Cervelo Crash Replacement program works.


Incredible feel to the bike - with some extra training, was able to bring my race averages up 3-4 mph on this bike vs. my roadie, and put down some nice bike splits.

Very light, very aero, sexy, good components

Stock wheels were ok - hopefully I can afford to put some Zipp's on my next one. My first carbon frame - I freaked out every time I found anything that looked like a defect, afraid that it would make the frame unsafe, but I think that's life with a carbon bike.

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Buyers clubP3
  • 75 people use
  • 3774 workouts logged
  • 117235.16 miles / 11192.29 hours logged