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Brooks Infiniti review

  • Price Paid:$80.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 5 months
  • # of logged workouts: 0

"I was fitted for these shoes at a running store, where they observed my gait and made some suggestions. These shoes have worked well for me. They are not pillow-soft or feather-light, but my feet aren't killing me after running, so they work well for me."MCA


As easy to use as running shoes are.


These shoes appear to be very well-made, and there is very little wear so far.


The tongue is a bit small, leading to a bit of pinching from the laces, but that's being really picky.


Overall they feel comfortable. The shoes feel a bit heavy, but I need the support they offer.


These seem like they will last for a long time. There is almost no wear on the heels so far, and I usually put a whooping on the heel area of shoes. I am trying to be more of a mid-foot striker, though, so that also may be helping the wear issue.


Not the cheapest shoes, but not nearly the most expensive either.


The burnt orange isn't for everyone, but I think they are fine.


Fine so far. They are holding up well and still comfortable.

Good support, well made, and good durability.

A bit heavy.

Buyers clubInfiniti
  • 11 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 1232.71 miles / 193.3 hours logged