Profile Design Wahoo Full review

  • Price Paid:$200.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 3 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"Awesome wetsuit for the price. This is considered a basic entry level wetsuit but looks like a high end suit. Awesome zipper in the rear super heavy duty. Short cut sleeves super easy to get out of. Never had a faster t1 time then with this suit awesome suit. "arod1972


easier and easier every time i use it.


the best suit for a beginner


awesome design low neck line so no irritation


Fits awesome


definitely a suit that you could have different body types and still fit like a glove


not sure yet i will keep posted


The best value at 200 dollars


It looks like a high end wetsuit and feels way better then the basic orca wetsuit


Profile design customer service was absolutely awesome


Awesome padding in the rear keeps you at a awesome swimming angle with ease


none yet

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Buyers clubWahoo Full
  • 4 people use
  • 957 workouts logged
  • 18085.87 miles / 989.6 hours logged