TYR Silicone Swim Cap review

  • Price Paid:$10.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 5 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"I got this cap because I was getting bad sneezing spells after swimming. It was recommended that I use a cap and a nose plug in addition to goggles to lessen this, and indeed the sneezing fits have gone way down."danimal123


Cut off the tags and put it on. That's basically it.


It's a swim cap, so once it's on, you're using it.


3-4 hrs/wk in the pool for five months and it looks like new. I rinse it off after each use, that's the only maintenance.


I'm a guy w/ a pretty large head and it fits me perfectly. I gave it a "4" because based on this cap and most peoples' head sizes, it would be large.


Don't really notice it's there once it's on. I still notice it, but not too much at all.


One size, no adjustments to make.


See "quality of construction." Five months and it looks new.


For $10 (USD), it seems like a good deal. I was expecting to pay more.


The shop only had one color, a kind of blue and green striped multicolor. It looks a bit goofy, but I'm used to it now.


Never had to deal w/ TYR, so I can't say.


Water doesn't creep in except around the ears. My hair isn't totally dry after a swim, but that's common w/ every swim cap I've ever used.

Durable, easy to care for, long-lasting, comfortable.

Goofy color (but more colors are available online).

Buyers clubSilicone Swim Cap
  • 4 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 19.76 miles / 19.63 hours logged