Aqua Sphere Vista Swim Mask review

  • Price Paid:$27.90
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"I was a competetive swimmer in HS & College MANY years ago. I know all about goggles, good and bad. Sadly I have a wide face (yes my wife calls me a fathead). I have trouble finding regular glasses that fit and swim goggles have always been difficult for me. Most simply won't sit right on my face and leak immediately.

'Good' ones generally begin to slow leak and I have to either empty them or abandon them after 400-500 yards in a pool. Not these. Pool or OWS, these things stay put until I take them off with ZERO leaks. Remarkably they do that with far more comfort that regular goggles. You have to try a pair.


These things are much easier than regular goggles to put on. Also, they have a push button release on the straps so no more fighting to get the straps where you want them.


Holding up so far. Look well made.


Amazing on the face. You can press it on and it will stay there, without the straps, for several minutes. Adjustments for strap ength is easiest I have ever used.


Easy to press on the face to hold without putting any pressure on the eyes. I was hesitant to try a mask style but can't see myself ever using anything else.




So far so good.


Value is a relative term. These are the most expensive goggles I have ever bought. However, they stay on, don't leak and are super comfortable. So for me, well worth the price.


At first I was not sure how they looked but they are growing on me. Also, I would like to see more color options.


Can I give this something higher than a 5? I tried other styles including Aqua Spheres Kayenne and K180. These things just stay put and never leak. If they ever discontinued these I would buy 20 pair seal them up for future use.

Great seal, comfortable, easy adjustement.

None that I can find.

Buyers clubVista Swim Mask
  • 6 people use
  • 82 workouts logged
  • 68.22 miles / 62.9 hours logged