Wright Double Layer Blister Proof Sock review

  • Price Paid:$0.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 1 years
  • # of logged workouts:

"I highly recommend these socks to anyone that suffers blisters on their feet. These socks also keep your feet very dry."cxk9758


These socks come in different lengths, but only 1 color white i believe


These socks have lasted the test of time for far esp. with running marathons on them


I like the short cut but like I said before they come in many different lengths


Excellent comfort. I bought enough pairs to wear with each run


These socks have lasted the test of time for far esp. with running marathons on them


They are a little on the pricy so I bought in bulk and got the price down to around 5


They are nice looking socks with no crazy designs on them at all


The company that i ordered them from had great email responses


These socks have lasted the test of time for far esp. with running marathons on them and they so no signs of wholes or anything

These socks prevent my feed from blistering and are very comfortable.

A little pricy unless you buy them in bulk

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