Profile Design Air Stryke Aero Bars review

  • Price Paid:$80.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 10 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"I am happy with these aerobars. If you are super-serious, you might want something lighter and more technological, but I think these would be a great choice for the average recreational triathlete."cpfint


It's a bit tricky to get all the shims and clamps lined up, but not terrible. You definitely need a helper.


Solid materials, nice finish.


These are my first aerobars and I have really enjoyed them. They really do make me faster, and I find them comfortable on long rides. The flip-up armrests are the best feature, allowing the rider to use more of the handlebars.


Since the aerobars are a loop, you cannot change the width, but you can adjust the length and armpads.


The aerobars have held up well over the past several months, except for the velcro around the pads. The velcro is stronger than the adhesive bond to the plastic armrest, so if you want to change the pads, you will probably be ripping up the other half of the velcro with them, unless you are very careful.


These are not the fanciest aerobars out there, but they are great for a triathlon enthusiast who wants to use the aero position without spending tons of money.

Flip-up armrests, good materials, great value.

Velcro adhesive, lack of adjustability, weight, if you care about that sort of thing.

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Buyers clubAir Stryke Aero Bars
  • 1 people use
  • 0 workouts logged
  • 353.26 miles / 17.16 hours logged