Profile Design Carbon Stryke Aerobars review

  • Price Paid:$125.00
  • User rating:
  • Would buy again from this company: Yes
  • Used product for: 6 months
  • # of logged workouts:

"Looking back, I'm not sure I would've selected these aerobars knowing what I know now. However they're a solid product by a reputable company, just wish there was a bit more adjust ability. "RunningJayhawk


I had the bike shop set them up so I didn't have to fuss with them.


High quality materials used.


The elbow pads and bars themselves are fairly comfortable. I need to wrap the grips with some bike tape for a little more cushion.


I haven't been brave enough to try to move them personally, but it doesn't appear like it would take too much effort. Also, the pads don't adjust so you can't flip them up or remove them when you're not in the aero position. This makes it especially challenging to grab the bar underneath.


They seemed a bit pricey for basic aerobars, but came highly recommended by my bike shop.


Nice, sleek appearance. Although some may consider them a bit bulky.

- Good quality
- Reputable Company

- The pads don't adjust so you can't flip them up or remove them when you're not in the aero position. This makes it especially challenging to grab the bar underneath.

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Buyers clubCarbon Stryke Aerobars
  • 2 people use
  • 2 workouts logged
  • 59.51 miles / 3.35 hours logged