Triathlon Gear Reviews

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: tri_bob

I'm planning to enjoy this watch for several years. It's very nice to have one device to do activity monitoring, sleep tracking, and workout tracking. Looks like if I ever branch out to hiking/climbing, it'll be a very useful tool for that, also. If you're comfortable with a honkin' big watch on your wrist and the need for a chest strap for HR, you could do a lot worse than the Fenix 3.

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: Brent82

Overall great bike!!! I love not only the price but the way the bike handles. I will stay with Cervelo for now on. I have the 404 on front and 808 Zipp wheels on back. Very lightweight. I guess one of the only downfalls to this bike is I have to buy another aero bar hydration system, my profile design torpedo is a little bit wide for my bars. Overall like I said, I love this bike and will continue to upgrade when the wife lets me HA!!!

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: rynogunner

Great saddle for anyone looking for a shorter nose tri saddle with the ability to last any length of ride.

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: brookwheeler

My first power meter, and I love it!

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: roserc

A great book for triathletes who are over 50 years old and trying to stay competitive.

Joe spends time discussing the unique needs of the over 50 endurance athlete (need for more recovery time, reduced VO2 max, etc). The book covers nutrition and other techniques for the over 50 athlete to increase performance and reduce recovery time.

The book kept my interest and was written in a way that kept the material from being boring. It is filled with tons of references to studies that prove the points made in the book, but it was still relatively easy to read.

Highly recommended

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date: March 31, 2015
review by: roserc

Overall, this is a great device for listening to music or audiobooks while getting in long sets. Great construction, and they work great. Highly recommended.

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date: March 30, 2015
review by: lanzodt

I love this watch for my everyday training. I have had no issues for either running or biking (w/speed and cadence sensors) training sessions. The only issue I have with this device is that if Garmin Express isn't working (fairly regular issue) there isn't a way to manually transfer data. The interface Garmin made to transfer via ANT+ is terrible.

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date: March 30, 2015
review by: lanzodt

Bought both of these items separately to use with my KK bike trainer. They paired easily and have worked since coming out of the box. No issues so far and they provide great data to my watch and computer running MaximumTrainer.

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date: March 29, 2015
review by: trinergy

Nice unit, still discovering some of its many features.

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date: March 28, 2015
review by: Nussy

So far I really love these shoes. Great for long runs

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date: March 26, 2015
review by: Baowolf

This is a pretty cheap, pretty good item to help with swim form. It produces muscle memory so you can have good arm position in your swim.

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date: March 26, 2015
review by: roserc

Overall, I love this setup. It is great listening to music while swimming, especially when I am doing a long endurance set.

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date: March 24, 2015
review by: Nm True

Despite it's short comings regarding the back ground of these two champions, the vast majority of the book was entertaining and easy to get lost in the race painted beautifully by the author. I ran 13 miles without thinking about it as I could see myself at Iron War while listening via audible book version.

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date: March 24, 2015
review by: Nm True

I used to run 1000+ miles a year in Pegasus, buying at least 8 pair a year as the combination of NikeID and my love of the comfort this shoe used to be had me in love with Nike. Now, even walking a couple miles in these without any running leaves my knees aching. They may work splendidly for people new to Pegasus, but old school Pegasus lovers will not enjoy these shoes. :-(

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date: March 23, 2015
review by: philbou

i sold back because for the price you expect something better. buy Garmin 920 xt and is a world of difference

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date: March 23, 2015
review by: cdban66

I had seen these at the running store for $100, so when I saw them online for half that, I jumped on them. I believe that I'll be happy with them. The shoemaker is certainly a niche market company, but they may very well be onto something. The difference in these shoes is the "cloud pillows" that are on the soles of the shoes. Basically, they look like someone attched small circles of garden hose to the soles of the shoes, which is what I had heard was the original idea behind them. The claim seems to be that the circles provide a good deal of cushion to the shoe and in my out of the box walk test, this really proved to be true. I was a bit concerned that I'd be losing some "road feel" and while this might be true for some folks, for this heelstriker they provide a comfort level that I haven't had in any other trainer. I rather doubt that I'll be racing in them, but as an everyday trainer, they hit the nail right on the head. If you are searching for something that looks a bit different and provides a comfortable and cushioned foot fall, these should be part of your search.

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