Comments: hard start...got pretty worn out trying to find clear water to swim...lots of bodies. What would you do differently?: work on starting faster and not getting so tired fighting for area. This time was 2.5 minutes faster than last year...but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Transition 1
Comments: the transition area is so big and far from the swim... this time was slower than last year by 20 seconds...and I biked in my water shoes..so this could have been faster. What would you do differently?: work on it. Bike
Comments: this is still the area that could really improve...my rank shows this..i was huffing and puffing and trying hard though. I did improve by a minute and 20 seconds on this leg..so that was good. What would you do differently?: train more riding fast! Transition 2
Comments: so this transition i lost a minute and 20 seconds from last year...all the time i made up on the bike i lost here...grrrrrrr. What would you do differently?: put on running shoes at first transition and blow thru this one. Run
Comments: still so slow but it was faster than last year by about 45 seconds. surprising because i walked a bit at the beginning due to a sideache/ What would you do differently?: run fricking faster. Post race
Warm down: drank water...walked around.. drank beer. Event comments: I love the atmosphere and the great cause. I hope to complete this race every year! It was fun having Shari and Katie there doing their team race with me... Last updated: 2009-12-29 12:00 AM
United States
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = 1386/2704
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 122/225
out of the house at 4:40am eegadds so early. picked up shari at 5 and katie on the way at 5:30-arrived at the race neighborhood at 6 and hit the traffic jam...15 minutes to park in a nearby neighborhood and walk the mile to the park. My swim wave start was 7:24. Just got all my stuff in the transition area and down to the water at 7:05 to watch the survivors and elites start.
hmmm...walking to the park and a little stretching warming up with the arms on the boat ramp waiting for the swim to start.