![]() Swim
Comments: Well, dang. The wetsuit *does* make a difference. Seriously, these were ideal conditions (if you're going to be in a suit). Perfect temp and calm water. And I was a minute and a half behind my Danskin time. I didn't wear my wetsuit (which is a full) because I was afraid of overheating. And yes, the water would have been too warm for it. I wasn't unhappy with my performance, but it is a little sad to see the time in my best event go down, despite great conditions. What would you do differently?: SIGHT!!! SIGHT BETTER!!! I think I need to consciously look every N strokes. Maybe 10 strokes? I got way off a couple times. Next season, I'm getting a sleeveless wetsuit. For the type of competing I'm doing, I think that will strike the balance between the flotation needs and the arm strength/claustrophobia issues. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Much, much better. Slightly impeded because I wasn't in my typical getup with wetsuit and everything and needed shorts -- but I think that made up for the wetsuit business. But no need for bike gloves at this distance. Little need for chamois, either. Gear worked well. ![]() Bike
Comments: I passed a whole lot of people. I mean, I got passed, too. But that's what I noticed -- I passed a lot of people. This course was super fast -- nice and flat. People have defended hilly courses to me saying "Sure, there's the uphill, but then you have the downhill to make up for it!" I don't really buy that. Give me a flat course where I can hammer hard. Very happy with this. What would you do differently?: Drink more water following carb gel. I got that funny cramp again right in the beginning of the run, and I think it's coming from not adequately processing the Clif Shot I took at 8miles. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Very nice. I don't run in my bike shoes very well. Clop, clop, clop, clop. Since I had the end of a rack, it was a long way up to lift the bike back onto the rack. I think it was worth it for the large t-spot, but something to be aware of. Took some bounding strides to get into running zone. Not bad. Well done. Nice, steady, fast movement throughout. What would you do differently?: Nuthin'! ![]() Run
Comments: Now THERE'S the run I know I'm capable of!! Kids, my best 5k ever is 31:23, and this course was one big hill. Weather was ideal. I took a 30 second walk break near the beginning and was able to handle the brunt of the hill (good choice), and took a 15 second walk break through the back side of the water station. I focused on long, smooth strides throughout, shaking out my shoulders very regularly, keeping my head up, and pushing the pace just to the brink of discomfort. Compared to my Danskin performance, this was *stellar*. What would you do differently?: Kick out a bit more of a sprint at the end? Can't say as I have too many complaints here. ![]() Post race
Warm down: There's nothing like drinking beer at 10:30 on a Sunday morning. Heh. After finish, drank one bottle of water and asiago bagel (love that asiago...) while walking back to transition area. Packed up bag, grabbed Cytomax to head back over to party and beer line. Double fisting Cytomax and Bud Light: best recovery ever. What limited your ability to perform faster: No wetsuit...? :\ Event comments: It was mostly good, and they did have beer. Bike course was too easy, Run course was... odd with the uphill/downhill thing. But there were a few little things like -- the PortaPotties in the transition area were right up by the racks, so to wait in line for them, you were in people's transition areas. Worse, they were on top of the elite racks. And there were nowhere near enough of them. There were several things like that that just didn't jive real well. Listen to me - I'm already ready to move up to "real" races: "How come there are all these people standing around? Aren't they *athletes*?" :P It's an okay race for what it was. And I had a phenomenal performance. *shrug* Last updated: 2006-07-16 12:00 AM
United States
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
66F / 19C
Overall Rank = 617/2613
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 112/320
Hydrated yesterday, but not extremely. In a grumpy mood yesterday too. Met Candace at 24hr, so gave me someone to look for/hang with at race. Up this morning at 4:30a, PB&Banana sandwich on WW (mmmmmmmm....) and Propel fitness water to begin hydration.
Transition spot very near swim exit and bike start/exit. Only short jog to run start. Got a great spot on a rack by the fence, right at the end of a rack.
Lesson learned: yes, bananas do need to be in a plastic bag inside your gear bag. Banana mush on your running hat is not sexy.
At race got into line for potty at 7:02... got back to towel at 7:35 to warm up. That was longer than I had allotted to pee. Quick, bounding warm up jog around t-area (tons of people with apparently nothing to do and nowhere to be except in the middle of the road ::eyeroll::). Quick major-muscle-groups stretch. Headed down to warm up in the water with Candace and Caroline ~7:47. Water temp was 76F -- perfect!!
Headed up to swim start in time for wave 18 to go off. We were wave 21, so that was great!