Comments: All females rank: 836/1878 It took a few minutes to get through the start and actually get running and right from the beginning I was very careful to watch my pace. I got on the heels of someone who was running about 10 minute miles and stayed with them for the first two miles or so and then they slowed down and I took off. My goal was to run the first 5K without stopping and then see how I was feeling and go from there. I got across the bridge and was actually finding myself at less than a 10 minute mile pace. I was starting to get hot and was patiently waiting for the water stop, which there was only one at the 5k mark. I got there at around 29 minutes or so, grabbed a glass of water, drank half and the other half went on my head. The big hill of the race was at this point and I powered up it. Around mile four came to the conclusion that I was going to run the whole thing, which is the first time I have ever run 6 miles straight in my life. I also started to feel the burn of a blister on my left big toe and knew that might be trouble. Around mile 5 my legs started getting really tired but I kept pushing. I also realized at this point that I was going to set a new PR. It was around here that we could also start hearing the announcer at the finish line even though we still had over a mile to go. The Ford Bridge was especially hard with the on ramp and then running into the wind, but I knew I needed to keep pushing. Pretty soon I was back into the park where it started and I just kept moving to that finish line even though I was hot and hurting. Then I crossed it and looked down at my watch to realize I actually BROKE an hour! I was hoping for maybe 10 minute miles, but I killed that! What would you do differently?: Nothing, I paced right and pushed right and did AWESOME! Post race
Warm down: I walked through the finish, got my chip cut off and found some water. I was in complete shock of what I had just done and so hot and tired, but it felt so good. What limited your ability to perform faster: Not much. I am half marathon training right now with the race in three weeks so this was a trial run and it went great! It really boosted my confidence about being able to do the half marathon well. WOOOO HOOOO! Event comments: I am so very thrilled with my performance today. My last 10K which was my first was last June and I finished in 1:09:44. Today I almost shaved off 10 minutes with a year of training which is HUGE! I had goals of pacing well and running as much as possible and I accomplished both of those. Now I am totally psyched for the half marathon in three short weeks! Last updated: 2006-10-04 12:00 AM
United States
Get in Gear Inc.
66F / 19C
Overall Rank = 2514/4037
Age Group = F 20-24
Age Group Rank = 84/140
I got up at 7 and had a breakfast bar, water and some orange juice. Left around 8 and it took forever to get there. Walked around for a bit and had sports beans about 15 minutes before race along with more water.
Started lining up about 15 minutes before race and got surrounded by about 4000 people so I figured getting across the start line would be warm-up enough.