The Parkway Half-Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Sacramento, California
United States
55F / 13C
Total Time = 1h 58m 12s
Overall Rank = 358/1028
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 41/70
Pre-race routine:

Yesterday, I took the day off from running per schedule because I've had a sore right arch, which probably helped make my legs nice and fresh. Woke up at 4:30 am, figured I might as well get up and get ready. Ate scrambled eggs, peanut butter and water for breakfast. Got my stuff together and drove over to William Pond Park.
Event warmup:

Mostly just walked up and down near the race start on the Parkway. The walkers went north (upstream) and the runners went south (downstream). Talked to other racers, and got in queue for my expected pace - I got somewhat near the 9:00 sign. Man, lots of nice ponytails, this race was chock full of hot women. There were over 1,000 runners registered. :) Slapped the iPod earbuds in and cranked on Godsmack.
  • 1h 58m 12s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 01s  min/mile

I had the run of my life! Huge PR, my previous best was 2:20 something. I don't have my exact time, I started my watch when I crossed the timing pad, it took about 20 seconds from where I was in the queue, but I was so excited about finishing < 2:00 - which I did NOT expect - and hugging my jockstrapper that I didn't stop my watch. Its chip timed so I'll edit the report when the official time is in - I *know* I finished between 1:58 and 1:59.

The start was totally packed... as I said, it took me 20 seconds from the start to cross the timing pad, but it thinned out after the first 1/2 mile enough that you could start to really set your pace and get into your groove.

At mile 1, I checked my watch and was surprised to see I was cruising at 8:50... held that pace to Mile 2, and at Mile 3 I was at 27:20. I experimented more with form this race. I've found that if I lean slightly forward, head down, I start to drop people w/o going faster as I'm running more efficiently, and I made a conscious effort this race to maintain this form as much as possible.

I didn't take much water, just once actually as the temp was in the low 60s during the race and I'm a human camel anyway in these conditions (I had drank a lot of water before coming over). Besides, grabbing the cup messes up my rhythm so I really don't like to stop for water unless its hot anyway.

What was fun in the first 4-5 miles is that I now have the ability to surge past people and run away from them without cranking it up (I can also do this on the bike but its different) very much at all. I just kept my head down... like I did in high school when we'd play kill-em football in the backyard - and run away from people like I did then. God, what a gas. I kept feeling pretty good, and I was maintaining around a 9:00ish pace so it started to play out in my head "Dude, you might be able to do this in under 2:00 today." So I kept pushing without overcranking (and the temptation to go too fast was there the first half) and hit the turnaround at 58:00.

"Cool," I thought to myself. "I've got 4 minutes to play with... now its just a question of how my legs will hold up."

Hit mile 8, looked at my watch and realized that I was going to do it unless I died in the last 5 miles. Made it to 9, starting to feel tired and I'd been playing tag with a guy that looked around 30 the whole way... we'd take turns surging past each other. Got to 10, though, looking at my watch again and thinking "let's see if I can run a little faster." I ran the mile between 10-11 at < 9:00 which surprised the hell out of me; I started to get a 2nd wind and had more energy in my legs. The wind had really started to pick up as predicted for today, but it felt good keeping me cool and wasn't slowing me down.

(And yes, cute ponytails were around but no one was really passing me, which meant I was maintaining a good pace... I was really focused this race and I can honestly say I don't remember much of the last 2 miles).

About Mile 10 Godsmack's "Re-Align" came on and because its so symbolic of the changes in my life, it stayed on repeat to the finish line. The volunteers and spectators along the course were great - in fact, there were a bunch of cowbell ringers at the Watt Avenue bridge and I yelled "MORE COWBELL" when I passed them on the way out and back. They also had drums and acoustic bands along the course but I don't know what the hell they were playing as I had Godsmack cranked so loud LOL.

The guy that I'd been tag with, I looked back at him right after 10 and said "Dude, we can break 2:00. Let's just hold on and DO it." He nodded and we just kept plugging along.

11... 12... the last mile sign came up. There was a young guy walking, my guess is 6'2", 230, probably in his mid-20s. I slapped him on the back and said "DUDE! You're young. You're strong... you can BEAT 2:00 if you get your ass in gear NOW." The girl that was pacing him picked him up and they took off and I'm sure they finished under 2:00 because I never passed them after that.

The guy I'd been playing tag with pulled ahead at that point... my right instep has been bothering me the past three weeks and it was starting to ache at this point, and I knew from my watch I'd break 2:00, it was a question by how much... I looked up, there was the beginning of William Pond Park, ran by the water fountain and the finish was 1/10th of a mile after that. I raised my fists, the announcer said my name and I screamed "SUB 2:00! YEAH BABY!" as I crossed the finish line... as I looked up, The Redhead was there, smiling with her camera, and the hug... I was babbling incomprehensibly I'm sure... "I can't believe it, I broke 2:00, I BROKE 2:00, I can't believe it!" I had to hold onto her for a while I was pretty wobbly for a couple of minutes...

(Yes, she had her hair in a ponytail. A nice bright red one ;) ).

I'm still pretty emotionally overwhelmed writing this RR. I'm ahead of schedule from where I expected to be with marathon training at this point.

It was wonderful having her waiting for me at the finish line.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. This was a great run and a great confidence builder for the upcoming du season and continued training for the California International Marathon. I'm starting to 'get' this run thing and that's absofluckinglutely awesome. :)
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around and talked with my jockstrapper, ate cookies, ate bananas. Sat down and actually was next to The Guy That I Played Tag with and congratulated him on a good one. Took a picture of me with my Finisher's Medal. This one will be very special to me.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

A sore foot, and with better nutrition I think I could shave a couple of minutes off of my time.

Event comments:

This was the first year for this new race, and I plan on doing it next year. Great course, well-organized.

UPDATE: 11 PM PDT 5/5/07

Official results are up. I did VERY, very well.

358/1028 overall and 41/70 in my AG (45-49) which is a very competitive AG. I am extremely pleased, I'm still MOP in my AG but moved to the front for the overall... as I'm beginning to suspect, its going to be tough for me to move up in my AG but easier overall as my body is designed to run long distances. This is my best race finish, overall, EVER and although I'm still in the lower half in my AG, still a hell of a finish for me!


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Last updated: 2007-03-19 12:00 AM
01:58:12 | 13.1 miles | 09m 01s  min/mile
Age Group: 41/70
Overall: 358/1028
Performance: Good
I suppose watching the hot chicks' butts and legs probably elevated my heart rate a bit. Good GOD, I've never seen so many single fit women 20-50 in one place at once! Amazing. Serious eye candy time.
Course: Out and back on The American River Parkway ped/bike trail. Part of the course was up on the river levee on the way down, but return was on the Parkway all the way. Its pretty flat but there are gradual uphills as you come north as you're going upstream by the American River.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5