Comments: Strong winds, cold and snow = slow conditions. The winner from Kenya said this is the first time in his life he has seen snow. What would you do differently?: Stay in bed Post race
Warm down: None - walked to the food handouts and went back to the van to change clothes and wait for the other Wild River Tri boys What limited your ability to perform faster: Wasn't psyched about racing in this crap Event comments: The winner of the race from Kenya said today is the first day in his life that he has seen snow. I'm bib #1687 in pics. First pic is lead pack, bib 340 is Brian Bich from Duluth - nationally ranked 40-45 AG'er in tris Last updated: 2008-04-10 12:00 AM
United States
Get in Gear
32F / 0C
Overall Rank = 89/3449
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 10/228
Stayed warm and dry in the van
2 miles of easy running followed by a few striders