![]() Swim
Comments: I started outside left and quickly learned I swam to the right and I actually swim faster than a lot of people. I never got in a groove until I got around the last buoy to the home stretch 350. It was set up so it veered to the left to get the additional 50 in. So I rounded the corner and by this time I was starting to pass quite a few from the wave in front of us. I sighted up and found a a opening between 2 swimmers with about 80 meters of open space so off I went. Finally I thought I have it, no running in to anyone really hitting my stroke and then I hear an air horn and I am in the middle of the course. I get warned to not go inside the buoy so I have to swim straight across to get around the buoy and then pass all the people I had just passed. Heart rate good but really pissed swam about 200 extra meters. Long run to transition, and have to run bike up hill to mount line What would you do differently?: Swim straight and just start up front I got beat to death anyway once I started catching people. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Thought it went smooth until I saw time??? What would you do differently?: practice and pick up pace to transition area very slow jog but my heart rate and breathing were fine ![]() Bike
Comments: Bike felt good just need to lose weight so I can get up climbs did well powering through small climbs but the long grades killed me. What would you do differently?: not be fat ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Someones bike had fallen off rack and right on my run stuff, had to rack bike and my shoe stuck on the pedal and I was looking everywhere for it. What would you do differently?: Not much I could do Did forget to untie my running shoes. ![]() Run
Comments: felt pretty good went out easy as planned but never picked it up like I should have. I actually had a lot left at end probably could have shaved at least a minute?? What would you do differently?: Run harder last 3/4 to 1 mile of race. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Drank water ate sandwich hung out with kids What limited your ability to perform faster: mental/ and need open water swims Event comments: Post race was just awards so I do not know if thats what usually goes on or what. I liked the race set up and the organization it appeared to go off very smooth. Had fun Last updated: 2009-01-12 12:00 AM
United States
Set Up Events
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 181/255
Age Group = MC
Age Group Rank = 8/16
Got up ate peanut butter and banana sandwich 2 bottles of water during the morning and a cup of coffee.
Got in water and swam 200 meters.