Comments: Swam fast...maybe too fast? What would you do differently?: nothing, very pleased with the swim Transition 1
Comments: Don't wear a shirt unless you have to! Bike
Comments: My calf was cramping and made it tough! What would you do differently?: Not sure...but having the calf cramp was rough...made the bike a struggle Transition 2
Comments: went smooth Run
Comments: Sloooooooow. Was out of gas but didn't walk! Post race
Warm down: beer :) What limited your ability to perform faster: I was really out of steam... Event comments: Need to do better on my next one! Last updated: 2009-06-14 12:00 AM
United States
Ironhead Race Productions
90F / 32C
Overall Rank = 174/
Age Group = 31-34
Age Group Rank = 21/
got there early - ate some toast and half a banana
swam a little, stretched a little