![]() Swim
Comments: Bad swim. Bad bad swim! The gun goes off. I head out and the stopping and starting happens right from the get go. The first lap was like that the whole way. Worse was the corners. They were literally standing still. I could not get going around there. Finally the second lap came and I was good but all over the course. Had a hard time sighting cause I couldn't figure out what house was the one I picked...turned out when I actually stopped to sight that I was looking at a house boat. Then went off the big landmark. On the way back I went for a landmark and the waves kept pushing me off line. I couldn't stay straight it was horrible! HORRIBLE!!! But I sucked it up and just kept swimming. I knew it was going to be tough and I just kept going. What would you do differently?: TRAIN. My longest open water prior was 2000m at oliver. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: I thought this was a good transition for me. I was a little slow due to my finger dexterity. My hands were frozen and it took a bit of time to actually get into my bag. Too many people swim the same as me I guess! What would you do differently?: Maybe have a full sleeve wetsuit. ![]() Bike
Comments: Went out pretty evenly. Tried to keep the pace nice and even. Was coasting and getting some good speed for me down the hills and then some nice climbing. Passed lots going up and going down but the flats and the wind killed me. I guess....I am going to have to figure a way to get aero. No way that I should be getting passed that much. Ran into the DOC and rode a bit with Her. Passed and then got passed a couple of times. Couldnt get my nutrition down and only got about 1500 calories tops on the bike. Water was starting to taste bad! Ugh. What would you do differently?: Figure out Nutrition. Ride more than one 4 hour ride before the race. Get a tri bike....ack. Find tires that don't get melted by the pavement. I am sure the heat was doing that to mine. I couldn't move faster! So, figure out how to run in the heat! ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Good transition for me. I got some help and when I got one thing off I had the other ready to put on. It was like there was a great volunteer with me! I guess that is what happens when there isn't an influx of people coming in at the same time! Lost some time looking for nipple lube. What would you do differently?: Find nipple lube faster. ![]() Run
Comments: Well lets call this a walk/run/walk/walk/run the last 4 mile. So, I get out there and my stomach is aching. I just wanted to walk the first mile to get the legs moving and the heart rate down. It was hot. I needed to try and get calories in and it wasn't happening. So, I just started with 5 and 2s It was working I was running and I was actually enjoying it. Then what happens is HAZ comes by and we start running together. GREAT I had a friend out there with me glad to see him. BUT, the heat finally got me and I had to walk. I was done. I just tried to get the calories back. On the way back I was trying to get electrolites and was handed a orange gel pack. THAT was HOT and it wasn't staying down. NO WAY! It shot back out like a bullet and then I tried some water and that was so so. Chased that with some coke to help the taste. Then started to run again. At the houses I was puking up the coke and a competitor came by and handed me some peptol! That guy made my day. Forced to walk again. I walked most of the city and finally seen the DOC! It was great wished her luck and gave her a big hug. Walked fast with Diana and then at the top of the big hill for my last loop, I ran down. Ran from corner to corner. Found the day was cooling off due to the sun being down. So, I ran from mile 22 and stopped for water at 23 Ran through the last aid station to get infront of some guys that were pacing me. Hit the town and sprinted in to get in alone. HIGH FIVED everyone I could and had the best fun finishing ever. What would you do differently?: Figure out the heat. I need to figure this out. It kills me. TRAIN. Not be injured so much that it hurts when I run. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Got some pizza, massage and then met the DOC. Headed back to the hotel. Had a redstripe and fell asleep. Woke up and headed to get some finisher apparel. Fairly disappointed with the crap they were hocking so bought nothing. Went to IHOP and got dissed by the hostess. Drove home and hugged my wife and kids. What limited your ability to perform faster: Training. Training. Training. The tire around my waist and my pains. Event comments: I like this race. Great Volunteers. Great City. HOTEL ROCKED! MY ROOMMATES WERE THE BOMB! THEY MADE THE RACE FOR ME!! THANKS GUYS!!! Last updated: 2009-06-26 12:00 AM
United States
Ironman North America
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Here we go....
Thursday: Dropped off at costco in abby by Tanya and Son. Doc and Haz were super excited to see Tanya actually existed. I was excited that they painted the jeep with funny objects that resembled maple leaves and Ironman. HTFU and the like. Uneventful drive to CDA. Ate the free food and free beer and headed out for a nice leisure cruise bike ride.
Friday: Up in the am for a free breakie and walk to starbucks. Chatted with a few racers and headed to lake cda for the bt swim. Seen q and others and met with Becky from Rocky Mountain House! Went for a swim in the lake to figure it out. IT was choppy! Changed and headed Subway. SUBWAY girl freaked out at me cause I changed my order! I am a waster! I said no problem and thats when all hell broke out!(must have been the mo-hawk.)
Saturday: got up for breakie and then drove around looking for stuff. Headed out for a nice ride and then got ready for the race. Did I mention the hotel ordered Haz and I some beer and icecream and apple pie! It was great!!!!
Sunday: Woke up at 0400. Grabbed some breakfast and some coffee and headed into town. It was a great time got the bikes pumped up and then waited to swim. The best part of this day so far was when the Woman walked by when I took my pants off stopped and said WOW! Haz is still laughing I think! Jumped into the lake to get the water in the suit!