Georgia Veterans Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Cordele, Georgia
United States
Georgia Multisports
76F / 24C
Total Time = 8h 00m
Overall Rank = 3/348
Age Group = 35-39F
Age Group Rank = 2/23
Pre-race routine:

Got up at 3, showered, ate Joe's magic oatmeal and coffee, showered and rode to Cordele with Doug and the girls. Set-up my transition area, lurked around the bathrooms, hung out with the kids.
Event warmup:

Numerous walks to the restroom. Chatting with Mindy.
  • 08m 40s
  • 400 yards
  • 02m 10s / 100 yards

This was the most physical swim I've ever done. I started on the front row but in the middle instead of the left/far side. Right away, people (women, because all of the women started in my wave) got in front of me. No problem, I just kept trucking, trying to find my space. As I passed between two other chicks, the one on my right kept hitting me. I couldn't get through. Neither would give - I was stuck and they were going too slow. I stopped upright for a second for them to go by and then veered around on the left/far side. And they came back! I couldn't get between them or around. This continued until we hit the end of the Wave 4 guys at the first buoy and I finally lost those evil women. I sighted fine, but it was really hard to navigate between all of the stragglers from Waves 3 and 4. I never got into my groove and as a result this swim was way more difficult than it should have been.
What would you do differently?:

Seed myself all of the way on the left. I'd do better swimming a longer route than trying to fight all of those other swimmers.

Wear the small shirt - the medium is more comfy (and stays down better) dry but it billows out on the swim.

The swim times this year included the run up the grassy knoll to transition whereas last year they did not.
Transition 1
  • 01m 7s

Considering that my rack was 2nd from the run exit (opposite end from the bike exit), I did great. I like to be under a minute, but this was OK considering that I put on my socks and Garmin and ran the length of the transition area.
What would you do differently?:

Maybe not chat so much with the relay guy on my rack? I had some problems rolling my socks on so maybe a quick hit with the towel would have helped.
  • 38m 6s
  • 13.6 miles
  • 21.42 mile/hr

The plan was to hammer from the start and that is what I did. I told folks to stop drafting and reminded people to stay to the right as I passed them. I passed a LOT of people.

Late in the bike (mile 8-10) a woman with a disk passed me after I thought I had passed all but one woman. What? She was strong, though, and I kept her in sight the rest of the bike but could not overtake her.
What would you do differently?:

Go faster in the beginning sections and maintain a faster speed throughout. With the women starting last, we didn't have many faster folks filtering through so it was hard to maintain a faster pace without rabbits. Still, this is my best bike ever. Thanks Doug for putting on my race wheels!
Transition 2
  • 00m 43s

I came to a complete stop and dismounted at the line. A flying dismount is a recipe for disaster for me. Then, I sprinted to my rack (whoo, those bike shoes don't grip well for the turns). Doug and the girls were there encouraging me and telling me to hurry. I would have been faster but the guy in front of my was weaving all over the place in the transition aisle so I couldn't pass. Good thing, though, because if I had been going any faster, I might not have made the turn to go down my row.
What would you do differently?:

Get my feet jammed into my shoes on the first try instead of the 2nd. Still, under 1 minute is great.
  • 23m 37s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 07m 37s  min/mile

I didn't know how much I'd have left for this run because I went hard on the bike. I knew there were two women in front of me, including the woman with the disc who kicked my bottom on the bike. I just got into a fast pace and tried to hang. I passed a lot of the men who had passed me on the bike - tried to encourage them to go faster but they were not having it. My chest hurt from running so fast. I was able to reel disc-woman in, after thinking it might not happen. I didn't even see the other two women until after the 1 mile mark. The first place woman seemed like she was over a mile ahead of me. I decided that I would go as hard as I could and if those two ladies beat me (because I was dying), they deserved to win.
I saw Heather and Mindy and cheered for them, and also cheered for the Thomas University man and the girl in the UGA tri-team suit. Then, just after the mile 2 marker, The Georgia girl passed me. I gave her the business for passing me. We continued down the hill to the campground where I passed the last ladies last year. I told myself all of the reasons that Dawgs girl should beat me (15 years younger, 2 kids less, about 20 lbs less). Then I gave it all I had and passed her going back up the hill. She was gasping as I went by so I thought she was done. I was nearly done myself and just tried to hold that pace until the finish. I looked back once or twice but she was gone. Ahead, there was a woman in VA Tech shorts that I wanted to beat. I got even with her as we rounded the last curve but she poured it on to get to the finish and boxed me out on the sharp turn. I was going as fast as I possibly could and it hurt and wouldn't you know, that UGA girl was right there! She had a tremendous kick at the end and finished right at my elbow - only 1 second behind me. If the race had been any longer she would have had me. Tough woman!
What would you do differently?:

Run more so that I can run faster. I have a 22 minute 5K in me, but not this day. Dump water on my head to cool off but keep it from going into my shoes. My feet got heavy and were squishy with the water.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around and drank my water. Congratulated the other racers, including UGA girl. Watched Doug and girls eat delicious sausages. I cramped up after the race so I couldn't eat. LT efforts do that to me, so it was no surprise but very uncomfortable. Hung out with Doug and the girls and the friends we made at the race, hung out with Mindy and met her sister, hung out with Kirk and Heather. Cleaned up my transition area and helped the volunteers pick up trash while we waited for the scores to be posted.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of running, congested swim.

Event comments:

No schwag at this race. Instead, they had an awesome post-race spread. Grilled sausages from the Striplings store (conveniently located just outside the park), watermelon (complete with the Watermelon Queen), muffins, and a bunch of other stuff. The volunteers were awesome - so many smiling, friendly people.
Jim could have been faster getting around to the awards ceremony, but that is my only complaint.
I would not have believed it, but this race was totally do-able driving down in the morning from Roswell. It took us 3hrs travel time and we arrived in plenty of time to set-up and get ready to race, even with the kids. Still my favorite sprint race.

Last updated: 2009-08-05 12:00 AM
00:08:40 | 400 yards | 02m 10s / 100yards
Age Group: 8/23
Overall: 0/348
Performance: Bad
Suit: Team Zoot Gu, with Med shirt
Course: Rectangular, clockwise course in Lake Blackshear.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 01:07
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Good
00:38:06 | 13.6 miles | 21.42 mile/hr
Age Group: 4/23
Overall: 0/348
Performance: Good
Avg HR 160 Max HR 175 Avg speed 20.3 Max speed 25.4
Wind: Little
Course: Loop out and along the river. First half had a lot of turns, which were sandy so we had to slow down for them but the second half was rollers with not many turns.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:43
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Average
00:23:37 | 03.1 miles | 07m 37s  min/mile
Age Group: 5/23
Overall: 0/348
Performance: Good
Avg HR 166 Max HR 180 Avg pace 8:10 Max pace 5:47 (for about a second, HA!) Mile 1, 7:35 167bpm Mile 2, 7:48 167bpm Mile 3, 7:30 171bpm
Course: Up and out of the resort area to the gate and back then out to a camping area and back. Flat-ish and fast.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4