Marine Corps Mud Run - Run

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Fortworth, Texas
United States
80F / 27C
Total Time = 1h 04m 17s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Not much of a pre-race routine for this one. I just woke up, put on my pants, boots, and shirt. Right before I left to meet Aaron at his house I slammed a Sobe Adrenaline energy drink. I didn't eat breakfast, but I had a half of a harvest grain powerbar and some water before the race.
Event warmup:

Aaron and I got to the race early and had someone take a before picture in the parking lot, and then we walked around the race area and checked out everyone else getting ready. Since this was the first time either of us has done an event like this we were not really sure just how to prepare and what to expect. Some people were taping there pant legs around their boots to keep mud and water out, some had cut holes in there pockets to let it drain, some cut the pockets off entirely, and there were even a few guys who wore pink skirts over there pants...not really a race strategy, but marines in pink skirts is hard not to notice.
  • 1h 04m 17s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 10m 21s  min/mile

I never settled into a good pace, because it was basically a sprint from one obstacle to the next and there wasn't enough time to get into a good groove. I pretty much felt like I was going to puke the whole race since I usually do not throw myself over 6 foot walls and crawl through muddy tunnels and under wires when I run 6 miles. Fortunately I managed to keep the puke down! I had my knee brace on just to be on the safe side, but it would slide down my leg and I had to keep stopping to pull it back up. It also went from a knee brace to a sponge in the first mile, so next time I do some mud running I will probably tape the knee rather than brace it.
What would you do differently?:

Cut the pockets off of my pants and buy some actually military boots from an army surplus store...I did this in my work boots which are heavy and steel toe.
Post race
Warm down:

After Aaron and I finished we turned in our time cards, I slammed some smart water that they were handing out and decided to walk back out on the course to look for friends. We walked about two miles into the course, cheered some people on and laughed at everyone getting dirty. Then on the way back Aaron suggests we run back...cant ever hurt to get in some extra miles! So we jog the 2 miles back to the finish line. This had to be the best part of all. The only two long haired bearded guys on the course made us easy to spot and many people were amazed that were running more after the race was over. Several Marines told said things like "damn you guys are crazy" or "running again, that’s hardcore". Seriously...I thought marines were supposed to be tough. So after we run the last bit of the course over we hit up the food area. I had a banana and an orange and some water. Then we sat around for a while to watch the awards being handed out...neither of us placed but I am pretty sure we were both in the top 5-10% of the finishers...we will have to wait until the results are posted to see for sure. It wasn’t until we were leaving and I got to the car that I realized what a killer workout that was...I was totally wiped out. I went home and napped a bit and then was treated to lunch at Chipotle...damn good way to recover if you ask me!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Boots, pants, 15 lbs of mud and water...duh!

Event comments:

I will make this race an annual event on my calendar. This was way too much fun. Who knew that I would grow up and cherish the same things I did when I was a kid...mud and dirt. Its like when you are a kid and all you want to do is play outside...that’s basically all I did today...played outside for a while, with a bunch of grown ups! Also, two things I cannot forget to mention. 1) What do you call a woman in a tank top, cargo pants, and boots who is completely covered from head to toe in mud? FREAKIN HOT...that’s what! And 2) after I finished the race it was time to hit up the ever so lovely port-a-john to, shall we say, dehydrate. I walk up and open the door to one and these words come out of my mouth..."HOLY CHRIST WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?" The inside was a mess, it basically looked like someone had a very bad time at a Mexican restaurant the previous was absolutely repulsive and made my stomach turn, and there was crap everywhere. I have done a lot of races and never seen anything like that. Then I open the door to the one next to it, and see the same thing...then it hits me...OHHHHHH...Mud Run...ITS ONLY MUD!!! Man was I relieved, I thought someone freaking died in there...but thank God it was only mud. I mean think about it, you open a port-a-john (not the cleanest place in the world to begin with) and there is mud on the floor, walls, seat, EVERYWHERE...if you have never seen one after a mud run or an adventure race you would have been a little thrown off too! I see several other people open doors with the same reaction I had too! I tell Aaron about this and we laugh our asses off. So next time I will remember, its just mud!

Last updated: 2005-10-15 12:00 AM
01:04:17 | 06.21 miles | 10m 21s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: The race was delayed about 30 minutes past the scheduled start time because of a car wreck outside of the base. The race started in waves with the individual males and females first, then they started the teams according to team size. The course in general was freaking awesome. Tons of cool obstacles and LOTS OF MUD. I would have to say that within the first mile of the run I easily gained 15 lbs in the form of water and mud (first time to gain and not lose weight in a race!). It was tough to run in boots and pants, I have never done that before. The worst parts were climbing out of the big mud pits. Trying to lift your knees up high to get out is tough when you are soaked and your pockets are filled with mud. The best part though was putting the mud in your jumping into the huge mud pits. My favorite two obstacles were the "over and under" mud pits, which is a giant hole filled with water about chest deep on most. Crossing the pit were 4 big logs that you had to climb over and the name get to the other side. The other one I liked the most was the big mud pit. You had to climb up a good size hill of loose dirt and gravel and then down the other side to get into the pit. Then you cross the pit and climb out over another hill of loose dirt and gravel. I found that on my second time through this one that it was much better to jump from the top and cannon ball straight into the pit rather than climb in. As for climbing out of this one, it was tough. I had to claw my way up and it felt like I was going nowhere. The part of the course I liked the least was called the "stairway to Heaven". This was basically some wooden planks you had to climb up and over. It was at least 50 feet high and the spacing between the planks made it feel like rock climbing, so not so bad. On the way back in we did it again and this time both myself and the wood were caked in mud so it was very slick. I must say I went much slower this time and it was a little scary...but fun scary! This course kicked ass, I will be doing this race every year for sure. My hands got cut up a little on some of the obstacles, my knees and elbows are bruised from are the shins in some spots. On the plus side of that, all cuts and scrapes were bandaged on the spot by packing them full of mud and dirt at the next obstacle...thanks mother're the best!
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5