Memphis in May - TriathlonOlympic

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Memphis, Tennessee
United States
74F / 23C
Total Time = 2h 52m 36s
Overall Rank = /1900
Age Group = 35-39 M
Age Group Rank = 0/164
Pre-race routine:

The fun all started Friday night after I picked Doug Friman (the pro I was hosting) up from the airport. On the way back I got a call from GolfingGods & Cbost that they were going to meet us at my house. Chatted with them for an hour or so before they left and we all tried to get a good night's sleep. Got up Saturday and did a little grocery shopping (beer, baby!), then came home, got the bike out and went for a short ride. Then Chris & Chris came back over to meet before heading to the expo. All of us went to the expo and did the registration/expo thing. Doug, Chris & Chris all went for a swim, but I got caught up talking to Karl (Motivated) and a few other friends at the expo and didn't get my swim in. Karl headed back to the hotel and Doug, Chris, Chris and I loaded up in the truck and drove the bike course then went to Subway for lunch before heading back to the race site for Doug's mandatory pro meeting. After the meeting we had to rush home get cleaned up and get downtown to meet the BT & D3 group for dinner. Met Jen (jldicarlo), Frank Amato, Mike Ricci and a few of his D3 crew. Quick dinner then back home to get the bikes loaded and the transition bags packed.

Now for the morning of the race. Got up at 0430, had a slimfast shake and a bottle of wate. Played with Champ for a bit then had a Marathon bar before getting a shower, getting dressed and heading out the door to the race at 0600. Got to the race site, got body marked, set up transition, then took the bike to the mechanics to get them to do a quick gear check on the bike. A few tightenings later, the bike was ready to go. Back to the transition area to mill about smartly waiting and waiting for the race to start. Met up with all of the BTer including Lisa (twolives1) and Jim (jkhend) at different points throughout the transition area. Finally it was time to see the pros start. A few minutes later Doug came flying by after his swim and headed for his bike...more on him later. After that, I just stood around awaiting my turn (#704) with everyone going in 3 secs intervals. Soon enough it was my turn...and off I went!
Event warmup:

None other than the above mentioned "milling about smartly".
  • 24m 33s
  • 1640 yards
  • 01m 30s / 100 yards

Boy, I am still amazed at this time. I know swimming is my strongest of the three disciplines, but for the lack of swimming that I have had in the last 8 months (20,000 yds; most of which were this month), I really wasn't expecting a swim like this. Guess I have to contribute it to not being nervous at all. I was very relaxed before the start, after the start and during the entire swim. I really could tell that I was swimming fast. Before the first bouy, I know I had to pass 20 people and that was with a time trial start. And from there, I only remember about 3 people passing me...I know there had to be more, but I only saw three of them. Everything went well, sighting drafting, passing, etc. Just a very relaxed and enjoyable swim...I actually was planning the rest of the race while I was swimming in the race....normally, I am just wanting to be done! (4:17 faster than last year)
What would you do differently?: in Not a DAMN thing!
Transition 1
  • 02m 47s

Faster than last year by 33 seconds. Guess it was just being relaxed. I am not one for fast transition times. I like to settle into a groove and keep my mind on not forgetting anything and to hopefully lower the HR a bit.
What would you do differently?:

Speed up a hair. It had been 10 months (yes, 10) since my last tri, so I was a bit befuddled trying to remember what to do. It all happened correctly, but my mind wasn't following what my body was doing. it just felt like I was doing something wrong. No problems and I was out and on the bike after that.
  • 1h 17m 31s
  • 24.85 miles
  • 19.23 mile/hr

I was slower on the bike this year than I was last year, but that was semi-intentional. With only 3 races (including this one) before IMFL, I wanted to force myself to stay in the appropriate HR zone during the bike ride. Granted I know I could have pushed much harder on the bike and been fine, but this was a mental test that I wanted for myself. I did just that and met my goal, but sacrificed speed to do so. Many people passed me, but I had a goal, so it was cool. Let 'em go ahead.
What would you do differently?:

Push harder on the bike for an OLY, but that will have to wait till next year.
Transition 2
  • 01m 49s

A smooth T2 for me, but took a few extra seconds to grab the spray sunblock and coat myself once again before heading out on what I knew would be a HOT run.

Oh yeah, as I came into T2, I saw Doug who was already finsihed. Asked him how he did and he said that he got 4th. Now here is the thing...he did get 4th, but was only 53 seconds from winning the damn thing. Now that is a close race for the top 4 to be so close. he had the fastest swim split and the 2nd fastest run split. Too cool to have him stay with me. If you get a chance to host and athlete, DO IT! These are great people!!!
What would you do differently?:

speed up.
  • 1h 05m 14s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 10m 30s  min/mile

Didn't wear the Garmin as I was wearing the Polar so that I could monitor the HR on the swim/bike/run. With that said, I just took off on feel. I actually thought I was going around 10:15-10:30, but got to mile 1 and was at 9:10...damn did I feel good, but I knew I should back down a bit because my run training hasn't been that great and this event is my weakest. Throttled back a bit and got to mile 2 at 9:26. Dammit, feeling good again, but I need to slow down. Kept going at the same clip, but walked at the aid station and hills around mile 3. Just about that time I also go some cold chills. It is F-ing blazin out here, why am I cold??? This can't be good. This is what I needed to get me to slow down. It may have been all mental, but I wanted to be cautious. Around mile 4 Frank Amato comes up behind and berates me for walking (kidding) and was off. Soon after that GolfingGod (Chris) came up behind me and we both made sure each other made it till the end. When one walked, both walked, when one ran, we both ran. It was a slower finish than I wanted, but it was a great finish to have a BTer and friend by your side during the finish. Too cool! Right before mile 6 we see Cbost heading out and looking pretty damn chipper. That picked us up a bit and we got to the levee and cruised on in. Right at the finish, I hear someone yell, "Go Chris", it was his coach, then immediately after that, I hear someone yell, "Go Lane", it was my coach. How ironic that they were standing beside each other. He is from Nashville, I am from Memphis and our coaches are standing by each other, how weird. Get this...they are sisters! Now that is ironic. Who knew!

And that was it, the run was over, the finish line just passed, and I had just completed my first OLY triathlon. Now I was a triathlete. I know that I have completed a couple of sprints, but that didn't give me that "I am a triathlete feeling" even though I knew I was one. This did!

Yes, you heard me, that was my first OLY. With the DNF last year here at Memphis in May and with only doing the Aquabike at Buffalo Springs Lake HIM last year, I had just finished my longest triathlon! Whoo Hoo! And at home!!! Very sweet feeling.
What would you do differently?:

Not let the mind games get the best of me and run the f-ing race to completion.
Post race
Warm down:

After them pulling off my chip and handing me a bottle of water, I walked with Chris a bit, then walked up to talk to my coach and chatted with her a bit, then headed back down to find Chris and to convince him to follow me to my truck to help me carry the cooler back up the hill. What a trooper! That F-ing thing was heavy! Sat on the hill and drank my post-race Guinness....ahhhhhhh, what a life!

Hung around at the finish to wait for the others. Met up with Karl, Chris, Frank, Jen, Mike Ricci and the others at the finish, then the best part of the day occurred...we were sitting on the hill drinking our beer and with most everyone having finished and packed up and gone home (we were waiting on Doug to get his prize at the award ceremony) when we hear the race announcer call out "Christopher Boggs from Baton Rouge, Louisiana is coming down the hill about to finish"...

Now if you don't recognize that name, it is that of our very own RugbyKid. Check his logs out sometime. This guy is amazing. He has gone beyond motivating the hell out of me. This guy's heart and desire is beyond belief. This guy doesn't know the word quit. We have been chatting back and forth on BT for over a year now and even lived a mere 50 miles from each other when I was in New Orleans, but we were never able to meet until today. This guy is battling a huge battle with himself in trying to lose weight and become a healthier person...and on a level much higher than any of us could ever fathom, but the thing is, he has found an avenue by which he enjoys challenging himself in trying to reach his goal...and that is triathlons. it doesn't bother him that he is dead last at some times (and not today..for the record!), his battle is with himself and it is one he is winning! it is one that I have no doubt he will succeed in, you can just see it in his determintation...he is strong beyond words. Chris, you rock brother!

As soon as I heard his name, I sprinted down the hill to catch a word with him (and a few BTers followed). I got down there just in time to see him cross the line, I yelled at him...nothing...he turned immediately to the right and went straight back into the water. It was my pleasure to stand there to see a guy win a battle with himself and under such extreme circumstances and weather conditions! This is what it is all about! This is the true winner of the race and I was there to see it first hand. I met his mother, father, and sister as we waited for him to come out of the water, which took a while. :) He looked up, as I stood on the water's edge, then I introduced myself and he got up and came out of the water to meet me. A quick handshake and a soaking wet hug, we finally were able to meet in person. Too cool of a moment for me...this made the entire weekend! This, I thought, was the moment that I would cherish the most from the weekend, but it wasn't...I came home, had a meal with the crew at my house, logged a few comments about the race on BT after everyone left, even leaving a few inspires for the gang, then I dropped by Rugbykid's to do the same. I left him a note, then saw the link to his blogspot page and clicked see that he had posted a great commentary about his battle during the race...truly a great read if you get the chance. but one thing caught my eye as I finished up his report. It spoke of how "his friend Lane" met him at the finish...wait a minute, I had never met him in person before yet, this guy singled me out as his friend....a guy of this magnitude...and I am not talking about his size, but i am talking about the size of his heart! This guy put it all in perspective for me today. I am shallow for bitching when I do about my pains and discomforts. Dude, it was a pleasure to finally meet you...I am a better person for it! Thank you! I look forward to our long friendship!

Ok, I got off the subject a bit....but this day wasn't about me! thanks for reading people and thanks for all the inspires and well wishes. BT many, many ways!!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of adequate run and bike training.

Event comments:

Can't say a bad thing about this race as it is my home race. It was so good to have homefield knowledge of the course. Glad I was able to complete my first OLY here and to get revenge on this course from the DNF of last year. I will do this again next year as I think the same BTers will too. Maybe we can get many more of you to join us! Casa de Cavu will be open again!

Last updated: 2005-12-04 12:00 AM
00:24:33 | 1640 yards | 01m 30s / 100yards
Age Group: 53/164
Overall: 0/1900
Performance: Good
Suit: Promotion Sleeveless
Course: triangular course right turns
Start type: Run Plus: Shot
Water temp: 74F / 23C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:47
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
01:17:31 | 24.85 miles | 19.23 mile/hr
Age Group: 142/164
Overall: 0/1900
Wind: Some
Course: Rolling (small) hills at the start, but mostly flat country roads for the entire ride.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 93
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:49
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
01:05:14 | 06.21 miles | 10m 30s  min/mile
Age Group: 130/164
Overall: 0/1900
Performance: Good
Course: Rolling hills....much hillier during this race than any of the practice training runs that I did on it during the weeks prior to the race.
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %3 lbs
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5