Tolland Summer Solstice Sprint Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Tolland, Connecticut
United States
Tolland Parks and Rec
70F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 14m 36s
Overall Rank = 23/86
Age Group = 30-39 M
Age Group Rank = 5/14
Pre-race routine:

Slept surprisingly well the night before. Bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, banana, cup of coffee and a Gatorade and I was on my way. Had everything but the bike already in the car. Got to the course around 0630. I knew I was way earlier than I needed to be, just wanted to get there and get settled in and take in the sights. Got marked and picked up chip and set up transition area. Ate another banana and wandered around the transition area admiring some of the bikes. I went for a walk around the running course (it was a 2 loop course so it did not take long) to familiarize myself with the course and think out any strategies for getting up any hills or where to possibly start my final kick. Got back to transition area and one of the volunteers who was well meaning was trying desperately to arrange our bikes in the racks in the transition area in numerical order based on our bib numbers. The racks were already delegated and marked for the racers in groups of 10 and we seemed to be figuring things out fine on our own as most of us were already set up. Some people rearranged themselves according to her wishes, others just ignored her. I tried to be a good sport and gave up my end spot on the rack that I thought was my reward for arriving early and jammed myself in between two other racers where there wasn't really enough room. Both of the other guys were understanding to my plight and tried to make room. I just shrugged it off and began my warm ups.
Event warmup:

Warm up jog and pick ups followed by stretching. Gave the wife and kids a kiss and headed down to the water with about 10 minutes to spare. Waded into the water and swam for 2 or 3 minutes just to find my stroke. Water felt fine and I was ready.
  • 06m 35s
  • 440 yards
  • 01m 30s / 100 yards

So I trained pretty hard with my biking and running. Figured I could just "fake" my way through this simple swim that wasn't even really a quarter mile. Without any pools available and the local beaches opening several weeks late this year (budgetary I assume) I have honestly entirely neglected this part of my training.

I was looking forward to swimming in a pack of kicking and splashing bodies, though it might be fun. I consider myself a big enough guy to hold my own, and I have never considered myself claustrophobic. The first 50 yards were OK. Then I turned my head to breathe and caught a mouthful of water. Coughing I tried to recover the best I could just in time to get my goggles kicked. Had to stop to readjust goggles. Got back into my stroke and realized the pack was now gone. My form was the next to depart me, and by about 80 yards in I was digging deep into my swimming bag of tricks. You name the stroke, I probably did it. I was flustered, tired, and starting the race in the back of the pack. Trying to stay positive, I prided myself on the fact I was still moving forward and I was breathing enough air to keep going.

I took comfort in the company of the back of my wave, about a half dozen other guys who were having just as bad, if not worse of a time of it. I actually passed a guy doing a freestyle stroke, albeit a really slow one. Then I passed a guy who was doing a full backstroke, arms pinwheeling gracefully in the sky. So we struggled and splashed and flailed and tried not to drown and actually started closing in on the final buoy. Just then someone in a yellow cap (the second wave group leader) came upon our sad water logged group and passed us like we were swimming backwards (we may have been, I'm not entirely sure).

I found inspiration in his swimming competence and regrouped myself mentally and did my best freestyle I could to the finish. Oh my god that was the longest 6 1/2 minutes of my life. I though for sure we were in the water at least 45 minutes. Exiting the water I was winded, embarrassed, but extremely well hydrated.
What would you do differently?:

Perhaps before my next race I should try swimming. And by swimming I don't mean like what I do in my backyard pool chasing down the beach ball that floated down to the deep end. Actual swimming over a distance and for a prescribed period of time. After all, I do know how to do the breaststroke, and I have always considered myself a competent swimmer. Now it's time to put in a little endurance work.

The local beaches are now open and I have a "homeswimmer" swimming tether on order so I can practice in the backyard pool. The swim is not something you can just fake your way though if you don't regularly swim longer than 10 second in a row.
Transition 1
  • 01m 50s

Deceptively long time recorded here. The timing mat was down by the beach and there was about 70-100 yards to where my bike was. There was a measurable advantage to having a rack closer to the gate.

I felt quite relieved to be back on dry land and jogged quickly over to my bike, actually passing one of my fellow swim impaired friends who crawled out of the water ahead of me. I got my shirt right on, helmet, race belt, sunglasses, socks and shoes, grabbed my bike, and headed for the gate. I felt that once I got to my transition area I dressed really quickly, and was happy with how I did.
What would you do differently?:

I suppose I need to scout out the transition area the best I can and just plan to run as fast as I can to my bike in the future. I practiced dressing quickly for the bike at home, and don't know how much more time I can honestly save here. I feel like I did better than my time reflected(overall rank 29).
  • 42m 36s
  • 12 miles
  • 16.90 mile/hr

Pretty good course, indicative of what a bike ride in this area is like- some uphills, some down hills, nothing really too hard to climb. I ran a better time in practice on this course than I did on race day. I chalk this up to being my first race, I had never had to ride around/with so many other people. I was constantly trying to be conscious of the "four bike rule" as I came upon other racers, and at times passed people just for the sake of passing someone, even though it had nothing to do with my ideal cadence or gearing. For about 2/3 of the race I was jockeying with a couple of guys on some pretty fancy bikes (I was rocking a hand-me-down early 80's Motobecane road bike my father rode when he was my age), which did wonders to help heal my soggy and nearly drowned ego from the previous portion of the race. When we hit the big down hill, they tucked into their aero positions and kept peddling. My 12 speed was all out of gears and I spun out pretty early on the descent, so I just did my best to tuck in on my drops and watched them pull away and fade off into the distance. I didn't see those guys again until the awards ceremony.
What would you do differently?:

Race my own race. Being with other racers obviously negatively impacted my own riding. My legs were still plenty fresh and I regularly bike far longer. I made gear and cadence choices based on what other people around me were doing, or as I mentioned in some cases just to pass someone so I wouldn't have to feel like I was being held up by staying out of their "draft zone".

Also, Gatorade was the wrong drink choice here. Took a few gulps along the ride but the stuff went down like maple syrup. Nothing like rinsing down a gooey energy gel with some warm syrupy Gatorade. What I would have given for a nice big cup full of that tasty pond water I indulged in earlier...
Transition 2
  • 00m 48s

Overall ranked 24th here. Got off bike smoothly, found rack, changed shoes and took off running. I practice this transition after almost every bike ride, and consider it a strength.
What would you do differently?:

Not much
  • 22m 47s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 07m 20s  min/mile

I practice running off my bike pretty often, so this felt good. My only question in my training up to this point is "what is my race pace". I tried to think about running the negative split and watched my watch finishing my first lap. Starting a new lap for the last 1.5 miles, I pushed a little harder and fell into a decent rhythm. Kicked last 150 yards or so, felt really good chugging into the finish line. Last lap was just over 10 minutes.
What would you do differently?:

I think having this race under my belt and still feeling as fresh as I did off the bike that I can really start to push for closer to a 20 minute 5k, or perhaps even better. I am still understanding what my race pace really is, and understand that it is a moving target that improves as I continue training.
Post race
Warm down:

Grabbed a cold water and banana. Caught up with family and took obligatory pictures of my first triathlon at finish line. Stretched a bit and walked around, adrenaline was still pumping way to high to sit down. Went over by finish line and cheered fellow racers as they came in.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Overall lack of experience. This was my first race, and I learned a lot. I am proud to say I did not feel too nervous before the race, my training beforehand instilled confidence. I learned what I need to improve on and can now take an honest look at where I can improve and save some time.

Event comments:

Fun, family friendly venue. Nice playground for the kids while you are doing your thing. Volunteers were very friendly. I was impressed with the amount of volunteers on the bike portion directing racers and actually holding back traffic for us at a few stop signs. Thanks!

This was my first race, so I don't have a lot to base my opinion on, but I plan to be back next year.

Last updated: 2010-05-19 12:00 AM
00:06:35 | 440 yards | 01m 30s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/14
Overall: 52/86
Performance: Bad
HR monitor slid down off my chest and down to my waist in the first 50 yards, not much data gathered here.
Suit: None needed
Course: Loop around buoys around pond. I doubt it was really a quarter mile.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Bad
Breathing: Bad Drafting: Bad
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Average
Time: 01:50
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:42:36 | 12 miles | 16.90 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/14
Overall: 29/86
Performance: Average
HR monitor was in use, but I honestly did not look at it much.
Wind: Little
Course: Rolling course with varying terrain. Seemed to be a lot of gradual uphills with one big dramatic down hill half way though. I practiced the course beforehand and knew what to expect. I highly recommend this to anyone when possible. I was a bit quicker on gearing changes and cornering speeds than those who obviously had never ridden the course.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 90
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:48
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:22:47 | 03.11 miles | 07m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/14
Overall: 19/86
Performance: Good
Tried to keep HR in mid 160's until final kick.
Course: 2 lap loop on grass around ball fields, down gravel path, through dirt parking lots, down paved road (dodging an unusual amount of potholes), on sidewalks, pretty much every surface type except sand.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4