Comments: So before getting in the start chute a bunch of my team mates told me to line up front. Ok, so I did. I lined up right by the boys on the far right side. Wrong side. I should've lined up front and center or more to the left side. I didn't take in the fact that everybody else would converge to the right especially near the buoy. Going to the first buoy I got kicked in the face, a breast stoker caught me right under the left breast which made me inhale a huge mouthful of water. So now I was trying to get away from the mass. Got to the outer left and found clear water. Problem was I swung too far left and my line was now going towards a boat and not the buoy. Now I had to correct my line. Dang, I suck at this whole sighting thing. I finally felt strong and had a good rhythm rounding the second buoy but by that time it was over. I think 400m is too short for me b/c I don't even warm up or feel good til around 500m, which is ironic b/c I feel that I would be better on a short swim coming from a sprinter background. Oh well, I actually had alot of fun swimming even though I am not happy w/my time. I know I can swim so much faster but I am all over the place. What would you do differently?: More OWS and sighting practice. Transition 1
Comments: I ran to my area and just sat down to dry feet real quick, roll socks on, shoes on, helmet on, racebelt on, sunglasses on. I could still shave more time off of T1, but I'm pretty happy since my first tri I had an epic 6+ min T1. What would you do differently?: Just practice going through transistion more. Bike
Comments: I knew coming into this race I was going to go as hard as my fitness would allow. I had a feeling I would blow up on the bike and I did. Coming out of T1 my HR was sky high (no HRM) but I knew it was. I decided to just push it and got up to 20 mph before we were out of the park and on the dam. First half I was passing people, a few passed me but I was pushing hard. Coming down the slight downhill I was still pushing w/ a slight tailwind but that didn't last long, now the crosswinds started to toss me around a bit and my avg started dropping. I blew up on the bike on the second half, just didn't have the fitness to continue pushing as hard as I was the first half. Now I was getting passed alot. What would you do differently?: Have more than 1 and a half month of cycling under my legs but for lack of cycling fitness I'll take this avg. Fastest avg in race or training, ha! Transition 2
Comments: I lost some time b/c after I got my running shoes on I started to run out, but turned around to re-rack my bike the "correct" way. Didn't want to chance a penalty with my bike racked the wrong way. Time is better, last T2 was 3+ minutes. What would you do differently?: Continue to practice transisiton and not get confused w/how to rack a bike. Run
Comments: And now my death shuffle!!! I passed no one on the run. My run is truly pathetic. Coming off the bike I was hurting very badly. Calf cramps, side cramps, felt like my bladder was about to explode, breathing very hard. Yeah, wasn't pretty. Kevin, one of my team mates yelled at me to breathe, kinda funny now but at the time I was thinking "I'm sucking wind here, what do you think I'm trying to do?...@$%*!" Saw alot of my team mates so I encouraged them when I had the breath to do so. What would you do differently?: Run more. After RnR half marathon I lost all motivation to run. Have not been running hardly at all and it shows. Going into marathon training. Post race
Warm down: Ate a slice of pizza, gatorade and lots of watermelon. Tummy didn't feel so good and watermelon was the only thing that I could stomach. Hung out with TTT. What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of training but I AG podiumed so I am truly happy for that. I was surprised b/c I knew going into this race I was underprepared on the bike and run. I almost didn't do this race thinking I would suck so bad, but decided to b/c it was a team race and went in with a positive attitude that I was just going to have fun and work on transistion, no time goals or anything. Getting hardware on my second tri was a very nice surprise though. Event comments: This is my first Ironhead race and Jack is hardcore on his rules but I felt very safe on course and had a blast. Very well run race. Last updated: 2010-06-03 12:00 AM
United States
Ironhead Race Productions
87F / 31C
Overall Rank = 145/255
Age Group = F 25-29
Age Group Rank = 3/16
Woke up a little late. Ate a bowl or cereal w/banana and loaded my car up. Drove like a bat out of hell to get to venue as early as possible.
I unloaded my bike and wanted to pump up my tires at my car to leave tire pump in trunk. Front tire was good to go and then I attached the pump nozzle to my back tire presta valve and PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTT. Yep, I let out ALL the air in my tire. Ok, I've done this a few times before. Took attachment off and rethread it on the valve....everytime I tried to pump air in the tire it would just leak out. (enter cuss word here). Called Karen b/c I didn't have anybody else's number that was at the race and she said to meet her and Tim at transisition. Went to transistion and RBM sag saw my poor pitiful flat and hooked me up. I forgot about SAG support....it was early! Big thanks to RBM, hooked my up w/a new tube and inflated my tire. Apparently I bent the presta valve on the old tube and everytime I tried to hook the valve up the the pump nozzle it would just let air out. Bike good to go, phew!
Nothing, set up transistion.....on the wrong rack. Crap! Pack things, moved to correct rack. Re-set up transistion. Chit chatted w/team mates, got time chip, stood around and during Jack's speech my number got called. Ugh....what now. Apparently I racked my bike the WRONG way. Mother $%^&*#@!!! I could not get anything right this morning. Thank goodness Chris A was there to guide this dumb newbie along the way.