Green Bay Triathlon - Triathlon

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Green Bay, Wisconsin
United States
Midwest Sports Events
70F / 21C
Total Time = 1h 28m 4s
Overall Rank = ?/
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 1/11
Pre-race routine:

Hit the snooze button a few times. Tried to makes eggs for everyone on my mother's new stove...burnt the crap out of her pan. Eggs were ok. Eggs, yogurt, rebull, and some twizlers. By the time we all four of us got out of the house with bikes loaded we were a little late. We met Ray (StarGazer) in the transition area. He was COMPLETELY ready to go, and thank god because! It took two people to get me ready. There was so much going on I couldn't pay attention. We were waiting for Heather to show up! She showed up at 7:30. The first wave went off at 7:30. I forgot my towels (someone lent me one! HOW NICE), needed air for my tires, was late to get marked, forgot to lube up the special spots-ran into event semi and got the job done!
Ray was awesome..without him I would have been a mess, and probably would have missed my wave. Plus, he's much better at putting air in my tires than I am. Slammed a GU...almost yakked...washed it down with water and waited. Hung around with Ben(my friend from back in the day), Ray, and Carole....watched heather get ready!) Heather is the most entertaining human being on earth!
Event warmup:

  • 05m 36s
  • 400 yards
  • 01m 24s / 100 yards

Um..started to dash in and dive off the bottom. Shirt stretched all out and filled with water...twisted it, jammed it into my pants, and hiked my shorts all the way up (this makes for extremely good looking water exit photos). Someone stopped and started swimming right in front of me so I dove over him (I really had no choice). Started swimming and felt like crap. My head wasn't down and I had no form at all. Stopped quickly to collect myself and began swimming as I knew how. I ended up all alone which made me paranoid my course was off, but I was sighting fairly well. I turned the corner, swimming well at this point and picking up speed, started water running and diving to gain speed. Decided running was the fastest. Almost crapped my pants when I realized I was the third out of the water in my wave right behind Psuedoyams and this dude from my masters swim who is hella fast! Was happy with this.
What would you do differently?:

Wear a different shirt. Swim my race from the beginning. If it was any longer I would have blown it on the swim. Maintain form and composure.
Transition 1
  • 01m 59s

I did exactly as I was told,"Be deliberate and don't rush." Everything went well! I put my bike shoes on and ran with them. I hadn't practice with them on my bike so I didn't even need to look like a total ass. I saw other people putting on their race belts so I acted the lemming and did the same thing. Wasn't a problem except the paper was rustling on the bike and annoyed me. went smoothly. Great first Transition-ever!
What would you do differently?:

put my race belt on in T2 while running. Practice so I can jump on the bike more smoothly and get into shoes.
  • 52m 12s
  • 16.75 miles
  • 19.25 mile/hr

I needed more air in my tires cuz I could tell that not all my power was translating, felt mushy. I felt good though. My heartrate settled down a bit after the swim and I got into a good cadence. I did not deviate from my cadence EVER during the entire course, and it was higher than I'm used to pedaling (this is a very good thing). My goal was to avg around 18 mph, but my computer wasn't working so i went with how I felt. I was really proud of this because I went with cadence, and I surprised myself. I jockied back and forth with the same two guys the entire way. I was only passed by a few peopl. Everyone was having a good time. I pushed it past the miles markers at 5, 10, and 15...I think I went the perfect speed for myself. It was challenging, yet I was able to maintain my cadence and speed the entire way. I thanked the volunteers and had a great time on the bike. It was my favorite leg by far. I passed like crazy and was hardly ever passed. I just hammered it home on the flats and the very slight downhil. I really didn't want the bike to end.
What would you do differently?:

Not wear my race number/belt and make sure my tires are completely full of air. Not drink as much out of the swim but pace it.
Transition 2
  • 01m 8s

I was not too smooth getting off the bike. My plan was to slip out of my shoes while on the the buckles open but should have done this sooner because I ran out of room to get my feet out. Clipped out, shoes off, ran with bare feet to my transition area. As I was coming in the arch, my friend Carole shouted out that I was the first female in from my wave. Sure enough...only two bikes on the rack besides mine....Psuedoyams and Steve (master swim guy) This is a pattern throughout my day. It was so hard to turn the corner because my feet were completely numb! I had put baby powder in my socks so I could slip them on for the run- worked marvelously. Speed laces were awesome! I was out.
What would you do differently?:

practice dismounting and dealing with shoes... not worn both my sunglasses and hat!i sat down too...probably didn't need to do that..
  • 27m 3s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 42s  min/mile

As I was leaving the park I saw Wendy and Caitlin come in on the bike. We did our cheers for eachother and that helped me find my energy again! I was really struggling on the run...I knew this would happen though so I was mentally prepared for that. As I was running out, Psuedoyams and the guy from my masters swim were coming in. We did our cheering and I kept on. I was starting to really slow down and then I saw the turn around. I kept zeroing in on women that looked my size and tried to reel them in (in case they were in my division). I did the turn around and things started to pick up. I saw Ray (StarGazer) on the way out...that was great! I also saw Wendy and Caitlin. They were extremely motivating right when I needed it. I started using the mantra "push them back" in reference to the people I would pass or the people I had passed. Once in the park the finish line felt like it was SO FAR AWAY!!!! This is where the spectators started to show up so that was awesome. People were shouting my number and it felt great. Right as I rounded the last corner my friend Ben, who started two waves before me, passed me on the run. We hung out before and after the race a bit so it was great to see him.....(I beat his overall time though...snap :) ) I had to remind myself to pick my feet up....I felt so fast at the end, though I had picked it up for a father's photgraphic stylings later proved that my originally theory of a fast sprint was entirely UNTRUE!
What would you do differently?:

train more. more often. more bricks. I hate to write this, and maybe this is me looking back at it now...i think i might have been able to push harder....not sure.
Post race
Warm down:

Stood around with Ben and drank something. I don't remember what it was. Met my parents and Carole and cheered for our next race buddies to come in. We waited for everyone to come in (while stretching-kind of). Ray and I walked to his car and cracked open a Guinness. Was goingto pack up our T-areas, but headed to catch the awards.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training all around. Wasn't prepared in the morning (tires) Lack of experience.

Event comments:

Great race! Everyone in our group....there were 6 that became triathletes today.....left extremely happy. It was a great event and a great day! I bet since this one went off so well the post-race-events and hype will get even better!
Ray, StarGazer, did a great job and makes a killer salsa! It was great having him there. He totally calmed my nerves and I think has more information about every local race filed in his brain! I was totally psyched to be able to walk away with an award! I would have placed 5/15 in my age group had I not raced Athena. I don't regret signing up for that category at all; 1st/11 is definitely respectable. The run was the hardest for me physically, but I pulled a Possum and started thanking volunteers and cheering on people that were doing a great job (i.e. passing me). The workload seemed to totally lighten up and I was able to enjoy even the run! That's big! It was so awesome to have my parents and friends there. I was joined by my restaurant co-workers (Wendy and Heather). My pair partner from rowing flew in from Minnesota to race. Heather's boyfriend, Tom, raced. Plus, I bumped into my old friend, Ben. It was great to see all the BT'ers too! Jim, Ray, Rob---WELL DONE GENTLEMEN!!! I'm stoked about this triathlon thing, and I'm proud to say, "I'm a triathlete."

Last updated: 2006-03-16 12:00 AM
00:05:36 | 400 yards | 01m 24s / 100yards
Age Group: 2/11
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Suit: tri shorts and top
Course: U-shape, out and around a diving podium, and back. Half the course was running, dolphining, swimming, and running through water. The current on the way in was pretty strong (going the wrong way, of course!)
Start type: Run Plus: Waves
Water temp: 68F / 20C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Below average Drafting: Bad
Waves: Bad Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 01:59
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
00:52:12 | 16.75 miles | 19.25 mile/hr
Age Group: 1/11
Overall: 0/
Wind: Little
Course: Loop out of the city and back to park, flat, fair road conditions, well marked, great volunteers!
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 80
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Too much
Time: 01:08
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:27:03 | 03.11 miles | 08m 42s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/11
Overall: 0/
Course: out and back. flat. As I was leaving the park I saw Wendy and Caitlin come in on the bike. We did our cheers for eachother and that helped me find my energy again! I was really struggling on the run...I knew this would happen though so I was mentally prepared for that. As I was running out, Psuedoyams and the guy from my masters swim were coming in. We did our cheering and I kept on. I was starting to really slow down and then I saw the turn around. I kept zeroing in on women that looked my size and tried to reel them in (in case they were in my division). I did the turn around and things started to pick up. I saw Ray (StarGazer) on the way out...that was great! I also saw Wendy and Caitlin. They were extremely motivating right when I needed it. I started using the mantra "push them back" in reference to the people I would pass or the people I had passed. Once in the park the finish line felt like it was SO FAR AWAY!!!! This is where the spectators started to show up so that was awesome. People were shouting my number and it felt great. Right as I rounded the last corner my friend Ben, who started two waves before me, passed me on the run. We hung out before and after the race a bit so it was great to see him.....(I beat his overall time though...snap :) ) I had to remind myself to pick my feet up....I felt so fast at the end, thought I had picked it up for a father's photgraphic stylings later will porve that my original theory of a fast sprint was entirely UNTRUE!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %?
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4